# remember to "dbrm /State/GeneralConfig Complete" after setting PAL GS to make tivo come up in GS. proc action_pal_ntsc {chan path env} { if {[string index $path 0] == "/"} { set path [string range $path 1 end] } puts $chan [html_start ""] set bootargs "[exec bootpage -p /dev/hda]" set bootmsg "Current TiVo Boot Parameters:" puts $chan "ozTiVo Video Switching Utility

" puts $chan "Options:
" puts -nonewline $chan [html_link "PAL" "Set PAL"] puts $chan "
" puts -nonewline $chan [html_link "NTSC" "Set NTSC"] puts $chan "
" puts -nonewline $chan [html_link "GS" "Set PAL Guided Setup Mode"] puts $chan "
" if {$path == "PAL" } { if {! [regexp TV_STD $bootargs ] } { append bootargs " TV_STD=NTSC" } regsub -all TV_STD=NTSC $bootargs TV_STD=PAL newbootargs regsub -all " GS=\[01\]" $newbootargs "" newbootargs set bootmsg "TiVo set to PAL mode. Please reboot for change to take effect. Boot params are now:" set bootargs "$newbootargs" exec bootpage -P "$bootargs" /dev/hda } elseif {$path == "NTSC" } { regsub -all " TV_STD=PAL" $bootargs "" newbootargs regsub -all " GS=\[01\]" $newbootargs "" newbootargs set bootmsg "TiVo set to NTSC mode. Please reboot for change to take effect. Boot params are now:" set bootargs "$newbootargs" exec bootpage -P "$bootargs" /dev/hda } elseif {$path == "GS" } { if {! [regexp TV_STD $bootargs ] } { append bootargs " TV_STD=NTSC" } if {! [regexp GS=0 $bootargs ] } { append bootargs " GS=0" } regsub -all GS=0 $bootargs GS=1 newbootargs regsub -all TV_STD=NTSC $newbootargs TV_STD=PAL newbootargs set bootmsg "TiVo set for PAL Guided Setup. Please Reboot." set bootargs "$newbootargs" exec bootpage -P "$bootargs" /dev/hda } puts $chan "

" puts $chan "$bootargs

" puts $chan [html_end] } register_module "pal_ntsc" "PAL NTSC" "Change between PAL and NTSC. Enable Guided Setup in PAL."