# Copyright (c) 2001,2002 Mike Baker (mbm@linux.com)
if {$::version > 3} {continue}
#return any key that seems to be a menu
#I'd love to use arrays here but they'd alpha sort
proc findmenus { path tree } {
set ret ""
if { $path != "" } {
set newpath "$path."
} else {
set newpath ""
while {[llength $tree] > 0} {
set item [lindex $tree 0]
if { $item != "fromContext"} {
if { $item == "nItem"} {
return $path
set newtree [lindex $tree 1]
set newret [findmenus "$newpath$item" $newtree]
if { $newret != ""} {
if {[regexp -nocase image $newret] != 1 && $newret != "context.pExplicitListM"} {
lappend ret $newret
} elseif { $::screen_images ==0} {
set ret "$newret $ret"
set tree [lrange $tree 2 end]
return $ret
proc GetVal { path } {
global mwStateG
set path [split $path "."]
set ret $mwStateG
while {[llength $path] > 0} {
array set tree $ret
if {[catch {set ret $tree([lindex $path 0])}]} {
set path [lrange $path 1 end]
return $ret
proc dumpmenu { chan menus } {
if {$menus == ""} return
set i 0
set rows 0
foreach column $menus {
array set column$i "[GetVal $column]"
eval set tmp \$column$i\(nItem)
if {$tmp > $rows} {
set rows $tmp
incr i
set columns $i
set current $column0(iCurrent)
set tmp [GetVal dialog.arrow.iSelected]
if {$tmp != ""} {
set current $tmp
set top 0
set tmp [GetVal context.iTopChoiceM]
if {$tmp != ""} {
set top $tmp
set tmp [GetVal dialog.arrow.iSelected]
if {$tmp != ""} {
set current $tmp
if {$current < $top} {
set current $top
if { [lindex $menus end] == "context.pSystemValuesM" } {
set link 0
} else {
set link 1
puts $chan "
for {set row $top} {$row < $rows} {incr row} {
set move [expr $row - $current]
puts $chan ""
for {set column 0} {$column < $columns} {incr column} {
catch {eval "array set col \$column$column\($row)"}
if {[info exists col(string)] && $col(string) != ""} {
regsub -all "<\[0-9\]+>" $col(string) " " col(string)
if { $link } {
puts $chan "[html_link "/screen/?move=$move" $col(string)] | "
} else {
puts $chan "$col(string) | "
} else {
puts $chan " | "
catch {unset col}
puts $chan "
puts $chan "
proc do_move {move} {
global mwStateG
set f [open /tmp/mwstate r]
set mwStateG [read $f]
close $f
set iTop -999
set nVisible 999
set iBottom 999
set iCurrent 0
set target [expr $iCurrent + $move]
set nItemMax 1000
set try {context.pListCtrlM
foreach item $try {
if { [GetVal $item.fPage] == "true"} {
set iTop [GetVal $item.iTop]
set nItemMax [GetVal $item.nItemMax]
set nVisible [GetVal $item.nVisible]
if { $nItemMax < $nVisible } {
set nVisible $nItemMax
set iBottom [expr $iTop + $nVisible - 1]
set iCurrent [GetVal $item.iCurrent]
set target [expr $iCurrent + $move]
while { $iCurrent != $target} {
# figure out what happens on a page up
if { $target < $iCurrent } {
if { $iCurrent != $iTop } {
set nCurrent $iTop
set nBottom $nCurrent
set nTop [expr $nBottom - $nVisible + 1]
} else {
set nBottom $iCurrent
set nTop [expr $nBottom - $nVisible + 1]
set nCurrent $nTop
if { $nTop < 0 } {
set nTop 0
set nBottom [expr $nTop + $nVisible - 1]
if { $nCurrent != $nTop } {
set nCurrent $nBottom
#if it's closer then do it, even if we end up overshooting the target
if { abs($nCurrent - $target) < ($iCurrent - $target)} {
SendKeyAndWait surfup
set iTop $nTop
set iBottom $nBottom
set iCurrent $nCurrent
} else {
SendKeyAndWait up
incr iCurrent -1
} else { ;# $target > $iCurrent
# figure out what happens on a page down
if { $iCurrent != $iBottom } {
set nCurrent $iBottom
set nTop $nCurrent
set nBottom [expr $nTop + $nVisible - 1]
} else {
set nTop $iCurrent
set nBottom [expr $nTop + $nVisible - 1]
set nCurrent $nBottom
if { $nBottom >= $nItemMax } {
set nBottom [expr $nItemMax - 1]
set nTop [expr $nBottom - $nVisible + 1]
if { $nCurrent != $nBottom } {
set nCurrent $nTop
#if it's closer then do it, even if we end up overshooting the target
if { abs($target - $nCurrent) < ($target - $iCurrent) } {
SendKeyAndWait surfdown
set iTop $nTop
set iBottom $nBottom
set iCurrent $nCurrent
} else {
SendKeyAndWait down
incr iCurrent 1
SendKeyAndWait select
proc action_screen {chan path env} {
global mwStateG
set move "none"
if {![info exists evrc(tivo)]} {
global evrc evmw eventSerialNumberG verboseSendKeyG
source $::tcl_library/tv/sendkey.tcl
# disable keyname echoing to controling tty
set ::verboseSendKeyG 0
eval $env
if {$move == "back"} {
SendKeyAndWait left
} elseif {$move == "tivo"} {
SendKeyAndWait tivo
} elseif {$move != "none"} {
do_move $move
set mtime [file mtime "/tmp/mwstate"]
SendKeyAndWait dumpState
set i 0;
while {[file mtime "/tmp/mwstate"] == $mtime && $i < 50000} {
incr i;
after 100;
after 100 ;# wait for pending writes
set f [open /tmp/mwstate r]
set mwStateG [read $f]
regsub -all "\"" $mwStateG "\\\"" mwStateG
close $f
puts $chan [html_start "Screen Monitor"]
if { [GetVal dialog] != "" } {
puts $chan "[GetVal dialog.header.pTextM]
set val [GetVal dialog.desc.pTextM]
regsub -all "<\[0-9\]+>" $val " " val
puts $chan "$val
} else {
set try {context.title
puts $chan "
foreach item $try {
set val [GetVal $item]
if { $val != "" } {
puts $chan $val
puts $chan "
set title [GetVal context.pPrognameTextM.pTextM]
if { $title != "" } {
puts $chan "$title
set instr "[GetVal context.pInstructionsCtrlM.pTextM][GetVal context.pDetailsTextM.pTextM]"
if { $instr != "" } {
regsub -all "\n" $instr "
" instr
regsub -all "\xc2\x8f" $instr "*" instr
regsub -all "\xc2\x90" $instr " 1\/2" instr
puts $chan "$instr
set left [GetVal context.pExtraLeftM.pTextM]
set right [GetVal context.pExtraRightM.pTextM]
if { $left != "" || $right != "" } {
regsub -all "\n" $left "
" left
regsub -all "\n" $right "
" right
puts $chan "
puts $chan "
puts $chan "$right
set menus [strim [findmenus "" $mwStateG]]
#puts "MENUS: $menus"
dumpmenu $chan [strim $menus]
puts $chan [html_link "/screen/?move=tivo" "TiVo"]
puts $chan [html_link "/screen/?move=back" "back"]
puts $chan [html_link "/screen" "refresh"]
puts $chan [html_end]
set mwStateG ""
set f [open "/tmp/mwstate" "w"]
close $f
if {![info exists ::screen_images]} {
set ::screen_images 0
set p_event 0
set evtnum 0
set mwStateG ""
register_module "screen" "Screen" "View and control your TiVo's screen"