# Comment # Config file for trickey, $Revision: 1.4 $ # These are silly ones. The key sequences are not clever as they will # catch perfectly normal operations. The tricks themselves are silly # since all they do is output stuff and you can't normally see the output # # They are useful if you decide to run trickey at the command line to test # it out. # Name Keys Timeout Command #LLL LEFT,LEFT,LEFT 16 ls #LLU LEFT,LEFT,UP 10 date | sed 's/Feb/WOW/' #DD DOWN,DOWN 10 echo "hello" #DDR DOWN,DOWN,RIGHT 10 date # Show trickey Menu ShowMenu CLEAR,NUM0,CLEAR 3 /hack/bin/trickey_menu & # ShowIP: Display TiVo IP address on-screen ShowIP CLEAR,NUM1,CLEAR 3 /var/hack/bin/newtext2osd -s 15 -t "`ifconfig $DYNAMIC_NET_DEV | sed 's/.*addr:\([0-9.]*\).*/\1/;t;d'`" # ShowUptime: Display TiVo uptime on-screen ShowUptime CLEAR,NUM2,CLEAR 3 /var/hack/bin/newtext2osd -s 10 -t "`uptime | cut -f 1-2 -d ","`" # ShowTemp: Display Tivo temperature on-screen ShowTemp CLEAR,NUM3,CLEAR 3 /var/hack/bin/newtext2osd -s 10 -t "TiVo internal temperature is `cat /proc/therm`" # ShowVersion: Display the OzTivo version number on-screen ShowVersion CLEAR,NUM4,CLEAR 3 /var/hack/bin/newtext2osd -s 10 -t "OzTiVo version is `cat /etc/oztivo_version`" # This one will force a daily call DailyCall CLEAR,LIVETV,CLEAR 3 /hack/bin/forcedailycall.tcl & # Wakeup the tivo from sleep mode WakeUp VCRBYPASS 2 /hack/bin/SendKey-tridge power >/dev/null # Force a slice index ForceIndex CLEAR,NUM8,NUM1,CLEAR 3 /hack/bin/force_index.tcl & # Set NTSC Mode SetNTSC CLEAR,NUM8,NUM2,CLEAR 3 /hack/bin/set_ntsc_mode & # Set PAL Mode SetPAL CLEAR,NUM8,NUM3,CLEAR 3 /hack/bin/set_pal_mode & # MaintMode: Set the TiVo into maintenance mode on next reboot MaintMode CLEAR,NUM9,NUM1,CLEAR 3 /hack/bin/set_maintenance_mode.sh & # Rsync update the tivo Update CLEAR,NUM9,NUM2,CLEAR 3 /hack/bin/update_oztivo -y & # Download and load the latest station logos LoadLogos CLEAR,NUM9,NUM3,CLEAR 3 /hack/bin/station_logos.sh & # Show /etc/oztivo.conf ShowOztivo CLEAR,NUM9,NUM4,CLEAR 3 /var/hack/bin/newtext2osd -s 10 --bg red3 -d /etc/oztivo.conf & # Reboot Reboot CLEAR,NUM9,NUM9,CLEAR 3 reboot &