# TivoWebPlus
## MelvinPurvis
## Wishlist operations used a hard coded table of names and category ID associations to form
## searches. This cannot take into account the variable attributes supported by different
## versions of the software and hardware. For example, Wishlist specifications for HDTV made
## in the real Tivo UI could not be displayed properly.
## Added code to auto-generate the javascript file genericgenre.js from the internal genre
## tables. This should make the options track whatever the tivo software supports.
## Applied that table only to the dtivo case because I cannot test the others. It should work
## for the SA versions, but the UK case looks like the category range is different, so
## changes would be required.
## Wishlist items are parsed into an http URL with parameters before being forwarded to the
## search module. The extraction of the query parameter was done from name of the wishlist.
## This method looked for an ampersand and assumed that the first such instance represented
## the boundary between the cat/scat part and the parameter. For categories such as
## "Audio & Video" this is manifestly untrue. Changed the handling to pick up the parameter
## from the appropriate db field based on the type of search (actor, director, keyword, etc.)
## added additional global indexes identifying critical genre values
## (supporting additional higuide functionality),
## performing the necessary indirection at initialization so that values of interest can be
## identified without searching.
## added lists of image file names for ustv and mpaa ratings
## action_channel modified by SteveT to retrieve and show some channel descriptive information
## added missing episode descriptions in conflicts, etc.
## numerous small formatting changes to improve appearance
## lgkahn grouping implemented for >=4 software
proc action_record {chan path env} {
if {[string index $objectid 0] == "/"} {
set objectid [string range $objectid 1 end]
puts $chan [html_start "Record"]
set value [MakeTodoRecording $objectid $quality 3 [expr 60 * $startearly] [expr 60 * $endlate] $kal $conflictslist]
if { $value > 0 } {
puts $chan "Scheduling Successful
[html_link /showing/$value Recording]"
} else {
puts $chan "Scheduling Failed '$value'"
puts $chan [html_end]
proc get_nextmanualrectime {dowlocal starttime} {
set nowsecs [clock seconds]
if { $starttime > 86400 } {
set dow [expr $dowlocal + 1]
} elseif { $starttime < 0 } {
set dow [expr $dowlocal - 1]
} else {
set dow $dowlocal
set nowtime [expr ($nowsecs / 86400) * 86400 + $starttime]
set downow [clock format $nowtime -format "%w"]
if { $downow > $dow } {
set rectime [expr $nowtime + ($dow - $downow + 7) * 86400]
} elseif { $dow > $downow } {
set rectime [expr $nowtime + ($dow - $downow) * 86400]
} else {
if { $starttime > [expr $nowsecs % 86400] } {
set rectime $nowtime
} else {
set rectime [expr $nowtime + (86400 * 7)]
return $rectime
proc PrintNames {args} {
set str ""
set names [lindex $args 0]
set searchtype 0
if { [llength $args] > 1 && [info procs "action_search"] == "action_search"} {
set searchtype [lindex $args 1]
set searchby [lindex "4 5" [expr $searchtype - 1]]
foreach name $names {
if { [regexp {(.*)\|(.*)} $name junk last first] } {
set str1 "$first $last"
if { $searchtype > 0 } {
if {$first == ""} {
set str2 [httpMapReply "$last\t"]
} else {
set str2 [httpMapReply "$last, $first\t"]
set str1 [html_link "/search?searchby=$searchby&q=$str2" $str1]
if { $str == "" } {
set str $str1
} else {
append str ", $str1"
return $str
proc SaveNames { namestr } {
regsub -all { } $namestr "_" namestr
if { [regexp {(.*),(.*)} $namestr] } {
regsub -all {,_} $namestr " " namestr
if { [regexp {(.*)[;:](.*)} $namestr] } {
if { [regexp {(.*);(.*)} $namestr] } {
regsub -all {;_} $namestr " " namestr
if { [regexp {(.*):(.*)} $namestr] } {
regsub -all {:_} $namestr " " namestr
set names $namestr
} elseif { [regexp {(.*);(.*)} $namestr] } {
regsub -all {;_} $namestr " " namestr
if { [regexp {(.*)[,:](.*)} $namestr] } {
if { [regexp {(.*),(.*)} $namestr] } {
regsub -all {,_} $namestr " " namestr
if { [regexp {(.*):(.*)} $namestr] } {
regsub -all {:_} $namestr " " namestr
set names $namestr
} elseif { [regexp {(.*):(.*)} $namestr] } {
regsub -all {:_} $namestr " " namestr
if { [regexp {(.*)[,;](.*)} $namestr] } {
if { [regexp {(.*),(.*)} $namestr] } {
regsub -all {,_} $namestr " " namestr
if { [regexp {(.*);(.*)} $namestr] } {
regsub -all {;_} $namestr " " namestr
set names $namestr
} else {
set names $namestr
set str ""
foreach name $names {
set numspcs [regsub -all {_} $name "_" $name]
if { $numspcs == 1 } {
if { [regexp {(.*)_(.*)} $name junk first last] } {
if { $str == "" } {
set str "$last|$first"
} else {
set str "$str, $last|$first"
} elseif { $numspcs == 2 } {
if { [regexp {(.*)_(.*)_(.*)} $name junk first mi last] } {
if { $str == "" } {
set str "{$last|$first $mi}"
} else {
set str "$str, {$last|$first $mi}"
} elseif { $numspcs == 3 } {
if { [regexp {(.*)_(.*)_(.*)_(.*)} $name junk first mi mii last] } {
if { $str == "" } {
set str "{$last|$first $mi $mii}"
} else {
set str "$str, {$last|$first $mi $mii}"
set names $str
regsub -all {,} $names " " names
return $names
proc get_verbose_title { program episodic mrgeptitlenum } {
# Non episodic programmes - return "Not An Episode"
# No episode number or title - return "No Episode Title"
# Episode number only - return "ep xxx"
# Title only - return title no quotes, see comments above.
# Episode number and title - return "ep xxx,
" } else { puts $chan "Error: Unknown Station '$objectid'
" } update_sp_cache set lsize [llength $cache_sp_key] set i 0 set seriesfsids "" while {$i < $lsize} { set index [lsearch [lrange $cache_sp_key $i end] "*|$objectid"] if { $index == -1 } { break } else { incr i $index set key [lindex $cache_sp_key $i] incr i set dindex [string first "|" $key] lappend seriesfsids [string range $key 0 [expr $dindex - 1]] } } if { $seriesfsids != "" } { puts $chan [h2 "Season Pass"] puts $chan [html_table_start "" "" ""] puts $chan [tr "" [th "Title"]] RetryTransaction { foreach seriesfsid $seriesfsids { set series [db $db openid $seriesfsid] set title [strim [dbobj $series get Title]] puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/series/$seriesfsid" $title]]] } } puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end] } else { puts $chan "
(no season passes for this channel)" } puts $chan [html_end] } proc action_listings {chan path env} { global db global channeltablestation global channeltablestation_alt global logotablename logotableindex puts $chan [html_start "Listings"] if {[string index $path 0] == "/"} { set path [string range $path 1 end] } set firstslash [string first "/" $path] set seconds "" if { $firstslash != -1 } { set stationid [string range $path 0 [expr $firstslash - 1]] set seconds [string range $path [expr $firstslash + 1] end] } else { set stationid $path } if { [catch {set data $channeltablestation($stationid)}] != 1 || [catch {set data $channeltablestation_alt($stationid)}] != 1 } { set channum [join [split [lindex $data 0] .] -] set callsign [lindex $data 2] set logoindex [lindex $data 4] set logoname [lindex $logotablename(1) [lsearch $logotableindex(1) $logoindex]] } else { puts $chan "Error: Unknown Station '$stationid'" puts $chan [html_end] return 0 } if { $logoname != "" } { set logostr [img "alt=\"\"" "$logoname-s1-p1.png"] } else { set logostr "" } if { $seconds == "" } { puts $chan [h1 "$logostr $channum $callsign"] set minday "99999" set maxday "00000" ForeachMfsFile fsid name type "/Schedule" "$stationid:" { scan $name "%d:%d:" schedsid schedday if {$minday > $schedday} { set minday $schedday } if {$maxday < $schedday} { set maxday $schedday } } set minseconds [expr ($minday - 1) * 86400] set maxseconds [expr $maxday * 86400] puts $chan [html_table_start "" "" ""] puts $chan [tr "" [th "width=5" " "] [th "Day"] [th "width=10" " "] [th "Week"] [th "width=5" " "]] for {set i $minseconds} {$i <= $maxseconds} {incr i 86400} { if {$::lang == "en"} { set timestr [clock format $i -format "%a [nth_sup [clock format $i -format "%e"]] %b"] set weekstr "$timestr - [clock format $i -format "%a [nth_sup [clock format [expr $i+6*86400 < $maxseconds ? $i+6*86400 : $maxseconds] -format "%e"]] %b"]" } else { set timestr [clock format $i -format "%a %1m/%1d"] set weekstr "$timestr - [clock format [expr $i+6*86400 < $maxseconds ? $i+6*86400 : $maxseconds] -format "%a %1m/%1d"]" } puts $chan [tr "" [td " "] [td "align=center" [html_link "/listings/$stationid/$i" $timestr]] [td " "] [td "align=center" [html_link "/listings/$stationid/$i/1" $weekstr]] [td " "]] } puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end] puts $chan "
" } else { set firstslash [string first "/" $seconds] if { $firstslash != -1 } { set week [defaultval 0 [string index $seconds [expr $firstslash + 1]]] set seconds [string range $seconds 0 [expr $firstslash - 1]] } else { set week 0 } set lastdayseconds [expr $week ? $seconds + 86400*6 : $seconds] set startsecs $seconds set firstday 1 set lastday 0 for {} {$startsecs <= $lastdayseconds && !$lastday } {incr startsecs 86400} { set day [expr $startsecs / 86400] set endsecs [expr $startsecs + 86400] if {$::lang == "en"} { set daystr [nth_sup [clock format $startsecs -format "%e"]] set timestr [clock format $startsecs -format "%a $daystr %b"] } else { set timestr [clock format $startsecs -format "%a %1m/%1d"] } puts $chan [h1 "$logostr $channum $callsign - $timestr"] puts $chan [html_table_start "" "" ""] puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th ""] [th "Time"] [th "Series"] [th "Episode"]] ForeachMfsFile fsid name type "/Schedule" "$stationid:$day:" { if {[catch [do_listingsrow $chan $fsid $startsecs $endsecs $stationid] error]} { puts "do_listingrow $fsid $startsecs $endsecs" puts "$error" } if { $startsecs == $seconds } { set firstday 0 } } incr day set lastday 1 ForeachMfsFile fsid name type "/Schedule" "$stationid:$day:" { if {[catch [do_listingsrow $chan $fsid $startsecs $endsecs $stationid] error]} { puts "do_listingrow $fsid $startsecs $endsecs" puts "$error" } set lastday 0 } puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end] } puts $chan "
" set yesterday [expr $seconds - 86400] set tommorow [expr $startsecs] if {$::lang == "en"} { set daystr [nth_sup [clock format $yesterday -format "%e"]] set timestr [clock format $yesterday -format "%a $daystr %b"] set daystr [nth_sup [clock format $tommorow -format "%e"]] set timestr2 [clock format $tommorow -format "%a $daystr %b"] } else { set timestr [clock format $yesterday -format "%a %1m/%1d"] set timestr2 [clock format $tommorow -format "%a %1m/%1d"] } if { !$firstday } { puts $chan [html_link "/listings/$stationid/$yesterday" "<< $timestr"] } if { !$lastday } { puts $chan [html_link "/listings/$stationid/$tommorow" "$timestr2 >>"] } } puts $chan [html_end] } proc do_listingsrow {chan fsid startsecs endsecs stationfsid} { global db global images RetryTransaction { set stationday [db $db openid $fsid] set showings [dbobj $stationday gettarget Showing] } for {set x 0} {$x < [llength $showings]} {incr x 20} { RetryTransaction { foreach showingfsid [lrange $showings $x [expr $x+19]] { regexp {([0-9]*)/(.*)} $showingfsid junk showingobjid subobjid set showing [db $db openidconstruction $showingobjid $subobjid] set secs [expr [dbobj $showing get Date] * 86400 + [dbobj $showing get Time]] set tzoffset [get_tzoffset $secs] if { ($secs + $tzoffset) >= $startsecs && ($secs + $tzoffset) < $endsecs } { if {$::lang == "en"} { set timestr [ftime $secs "%H:%M"] } else { set timestr [ftime $secs "%l:%M %P"] } set partindex [dbobj $showing get PartIndex] set partcount [dbobj $showing get PartCount] set program [dbobj $showing get Program] set series [dbobj $program get Series] set seriesfsid "" if { $series != "" } { set seriesfsid [dbobj $series fsid] set episodic [defaultval 1 [dbobj $series get Episodic]] } else { set episodic 0 } set title [strim [dbobj $program get Title]] set eptitle [get_verbose_title $program $episodic 0] set description [strim [dbobj $program get Description]] set originalairdate [dbobj $program get OriginalAirDate] if { $originalairdate != "" } { set originalairdatesecs [expr $originalairdate * 86400] if {$::lang == "en"} { set daystr [nth [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "%e"]] set airdatestr [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "$daystr %b %Y"] } else { set airdatestr [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "%1m/%1d/%Y"] } } else { set airdatestr "" } if { $airdatestr != "" } { set hovertext "($airdatestr) $description" } else { set hovertext $description } set attrs [CreateHover $hovertext] if { $partcount != "" && $partindex != "" } { append eptitle " ($partindex/$partcount)" } if { $seriesfsid != "" } { set title [html_link "/series/$seriesfsid" $title] } #LJ show recording icons set imagenum -1 set today [clock seconds] if { $secs >= $today } { set date [expr $secs / 86400] set prgtime [expr ($secs - ($date * 86400))] set recfsid [lindex [get_fsidbyprefix "/Recording/Active" "4:$date:[string range "0000$prgtime" [expr [string length "$prgtime"] - 1] end]:"] 0] } else { set recfsid "" } if {$recfsid != ""} { set rec [db $db openid $recfsid] set recshowing [dbobj $rec get Showing] set recstation [dbobj $recshowing get Station] set recstationfsid [dbobj $recstation fsid] if {$recstationfsid == $stationfsid} { set state [dbobj $rec get State] if {$state == 4} { set imagenum 3 } elseif {$state == 5} { set imagenum 20 } elseif {$state == 3} { set imagenum 8 # incr reccount 1 } elseif {$state == 6} { if {$::version3} { set recbeh [dbobj $rec get RecordingBehavior] set seltype [dbobj $recbeh get PresentationBehavior] if {$seltype == 6} { set imagenum 10 # incr reccount 1 } elseif {$seltype == 2} { set imagenum 11 # incr reccount 1 } elseif {$seltype == 3} { set imagenum 13 # incr reccount 1 } else { set imagenum 1 # incr reccount 1 } } else { set seltype [dbobj $rec get SelectionType] if {$seltype == 6} { set imagenum 10 # incr reccount 1 } elseif {$seltype == 9} { set imagenum 11 # incr reccount 1 } elseif {$seltype == 13} { set imagenum 13 # incr reccount 1 } else { set imagenum 1 # incr reccount 1 } } } } } if {$imagenum >= 0} { set imagef [lindex $images $imagenum] if { $imagenum == 20 } { set imageh [html_link "/confirmdelete/3/$recfsid" "[img "align=absmiddle" $imagef]" "title=\"Click to undelete\""] } else { set imageh [img "align=absmiddle" $imagef] } } else { if { $secs > [clock seconds] && [string first ">SIGN OFF" $title] == -1 } { set duration [dbobj $showing get Duration] set imageh "[slotfree $secs $duration $chan] " } else { set imageh " " } } ## added desc_show -- SteveT puts $chan [tr "" [td $imageh] [td $timestr] [td $title] [td [html_link "/showing/$showingfsid" $eptitle $attrs][desc_show $hovertext]]] } } } } } ## Returns formatted desctext based on DescriptionShow setting -- added by SteveT proc desc_show {inp_desc} { if { $::description_show == 1 && $inp_desc != "" } { set desctext [htmlEncode $inp_desc] regsub -all {\"} $desctext {\"} desctext set desctext " $desctext" } else { set desctext "" } return $desctext } proc action_saveprogram {chan path env} { global db eval $env RetryTransaction { set rec [db $db openid $objectid] set seltype [dbobj $rec get SelectionType] } if {$seltype == 6 || $seltype == 9} { set newseltype 3 } else { set newseltype $seltype } # updaterec $objectid $title $eptitle $description $sul $newseltype $actorstr $gueststarstr $directorstr $execproducerstr $producerstr $writerstr $origairdate $episodenum $altepisodenum $manrec $isepisode $origisepisode $ismovie $origismovie $movieyear updaterec $objectid $title $eptitle $description $sul $newseltype $actorstr $gueststarstr $directorstr $execproducerstr $producerstr $writerstr $origairdate $episodenum $altepisodenum $manrec $isepisode $origisepisode $ismovie $origismovie $movieyear $tvrating $mpaarating $showingdate $grouptitle $groupwith $origtitle if { $origmanrec != $manrec || $origisepisode != $isepisode || $origismovie != $ismovie } { action_editprogram $chan $objectid "" } else { puts $chan [html_start "Edit Program"] puts $chan "Program Updated Successfully
" puts $chan [html_link "/nowshowing" "Return to Now Playing"] puts $chan [html_end] } } proc action_editprogram {chan objectid env} { global db global mpaaratingnums mpaaratingvals global tvratingnums tvratingvals if {[string index $objectid 0] == "/"} { set objectid [string range $objectid 1 end] } puts $chan [html_start "Edit Program"] if {$::version >= 4} { # cant nest transactions so cache list for select lgk set txt "" ForeachMfsFile fsid21 namea type21 "/Recording/NowShowingByClassic" "" { RetryTransaction { set obj21 [db $db openidconstruction $fsid21] set showing21 [dbobj $obj21 get Showing] set program21 [dbobj $showing21 get Program] set name21 [strim [dbobj $program21 get Title]] set txt [concat $txt "\r"] } } } RetryTransaction { set rec [db $db openid $objectid] set showing [dbobj $rec get Showing] try {set actualshowing [dbobj $rec get ActualShowing]} catch errCode { set actualshowing "" } if { $actualshowing == "" } { set showing [dbobj $rec get Showing] set actualshowing [dbobj $rec set ActualShowing $showing] } set actualshowing [lindex [dbobj $rec get ActualShowing] 0] set actualprog [dbobj $actualshowing get Program] set mpaarate [dbobj $actualprog get MpaaRating] set tvrate [dbobj $actualprog get TvRating] set program [dbobj $showing get Program] set title [strim [dbobj $program get Title]] set description [strim [dbobj $program get Description]] set series [dbobj $program get Series] set seriesfsid "" set thumbs "" if { $series != "" } { set seriesfsid [dbobj $series fsid] } #set isepisode [dbobj $program get IsEpisode] if {$series != ""} { set episodic [defaultval 1 [dbobj $series get Episodic]] } else { set episodic 0 } set eptitle [get_verbose_title $program $episodic 0] if { $episodic == 1 } { set episodenum [dbobj $program get EpisodeNum] set altepisodenum [dbobj $program get AltEpisodeNum] } else { set episodenum "" set altepisodenum "" } set tmstype 1 set tmsid [dbobj $program get TmsId] if { [string range $tmsid 0 1] == "MV" } { set tmstype 0 } if { $tmstype == 1 } { # Is Not a Movie set ismovie 0 set movieyear "" } else { # Is a Movie set ismovie 1 set movieyear [dbobj $program get MovieYear] } set seltype [dbobj $rec get SelectionType] set showingdate [dbobj $showing get Date] set showingtime [dbobj $showing get Time] set showingsecs [expr $showingdate * 86400 + $showingtime] set expdate [dbobj $rec get ExpirationDate] set expsecs [expr $expdate * 86400 + [dbobj $rec get ExpirationTime]] set nowsecs [clock seconds] set nowdate [expr $nowsecs / 86400] set nowtime [expr $nowsecs % 86400] set sulvals "[expr 24855 * 86400] 0" set sullabs "{Until I delete} {Expired}" set secs [expr $nowdate * 86400 + $showingtime] if {$secs < $nowsecs} { incr secs 86400 } for {set i 1} {$i <= 7} {incr i} { if {$::lang == "en"} { set daystr [nth_sup [ftime $secs "%e"]] set timestr [ftime $secs "%a $daystr %b %H:%M"] } else { set timestr [ftime $secs "%a %1m/%1d %l:%M %P"] } lappend sulvals $secs lappend sullabs $timestr incr secs 86400 } set sul "" if {$expdate == 24855} { # Record is set for save until I delete. set sul [expr 24855 * 86400] } elseif {$expsecs < $nowsecs} { set sul 0 } else { foreach secs [lrange $sulvals 2 end] { if {$secs < $nowsecs} { set sul $secs } } } if {$sul == ""} { set sul [lindex $sulvals end] } if { $rec != "" } { set seltype [dbobj $rec get SelectionType] if {$::version3} { set recbeh [dbobj $rec get RecordingBehavior] set presbeh [dbobj $recbeh get PresentationBehavior] set progbeh [dbobj $recbeh get ProgramGuideBehavior] if { $presbeh == 10 || $presbeh == 9 || $progbeh == 3 || $progbeh == 8 } { set manrec 1 } else { set manrec 0 } } else { if { $seltype == 10 || $seltype == 5 } { set manrec 1 } else { set manrec 0 } } } set manrecvals "0 1" set manreclabs "{Normal Recording} {Manual Recording}" set epivals "0 1" set epilabs "{Not an Episode} {Episode}" set movievals "0 1" set movielabs "{Not a Movie} {Movie}" set origairdate [dbobj $program get OriginalAirDate] if { $origairdate != "" } { set origairdatesecs [expr $origairdate * 86400] if {$::lang == "en"} { set airdatestr [clock format $origairdatesecs -format "%e %b %Y"] } else { set airdatestr [clock format $origairdatesecs -format "%1m/%1d/%Y"] } } else { set airdatestr "" } # lgk new formatting of ashowingdatestr if { $showingdate != "" } { # set origairdatesecs [expr $origairdate * 86400] # secs already in showingsecs set ashowingdatestr [clock format $showingsecs -format "%e %b %Y"] } else { set ashowingdatestr "" } set actors [dbobj $program get Actor] if { $actors != "" } { set actorstr [PrintNames $actors] } else { set actorstr "" } set gueststars [dbobj $program get GuestStar] if { $gueststars != "" } { set gueststarstr [PrintNames $gueststars] } else { set gueststarstr "" } set directors [dbobj $program get Director] if { $directors != "" } { set directorstr [PrintNames $directors] } else { set directorstr "" } set execproducers [dbobj $program get ExecProducer] if { $execproducers != "" } { set execproducerstr [PrintNames $execproducers] } else { set execproducerstr "" } set producers [dbobj $program get Producer] if { $producers != "" } { set producerstr [PrintNames $producers] } else { set producerstr "" } set writers [dbobj $program get Writer] if { $writers != "" } { set writerstr [PrintNames $writers] } else { set writerstr "" } puts $chan [html_form_start "POST" "/saveprogram" "name=\"programedit\""] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "objectid" $objectid] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "expsecs" $expsecs] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "expdate" $expdate] puts $chan [html_table_start "" "" ""] puts $chan [tr "" [td "Title"] [td [html_form_text 1 40 "title" $title]]] #lgk hidden orig title puts $chan "" #lgk end hidden orig title puts $chan [html_form_hidden "origmanrec" $manrec] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "origisepisode" $episodic] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "origismovie" $ismovie] puts $chan [tr "" [td ""] [td [html_form_select "manrec" $manrecvals $manreclabs $manrec "onchange=\"document.programedit.submit()\""][html_form_select "isepisode" $epivals $epilabs $episodic "onchange=\"document.programedit.submit()\""][html_form_select "ismovie" $movievals $movielabs $ismovie "onchange=\"document.programedit.submit()\""]]] if { $episodic == 1 } { puts $chan [tr "" [td "Episode Title"] [td [html_form_text 1 40 "eptitle" $eptitle]]] puts $chan [tr "" [td "Episode Description"] [td [html_form_text 3 40 "description" $description]]] puts $chan [tr "" [td "Episode #/Alt Episode #"] [td [html_form_text 1 10 "episodenum" $episodenum][html_form_text 1 10 "altepisodenum" $altepisodenum]]] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "movieyear" ""] } else { if { $ismovie == 1 } { puts $chan [tr "" [td "Movie Year"] [td [html_form_text 1 4 "movieyear" $movieyear]]] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "eptitle" ""] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "episodenum" ""] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "altepisodenum" ""] } else { puts $chan [html_form_hidden "eptitle" ""] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "movieyear" ""] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "episodenum" ""] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "altepisodenum" ""] } puts $chan [tr "" [td "Description"] [td [html_form_text 3 40 "description" $description]]] } puts $chan [tr "" [td "Original Air Date"] [td [html_form_text 1 10 "origairdate" $airdatestr]]] puts $chan [tr "" [td "Showing Date"] [td [html_form_text 1 10 "showingdate" $ashowingdatestr]]] puts $chan [tr "" [td "Save Until..."] [td [html_form_select "sul" $sulvals $sullabs $sul]]] puts $chan [tr "" [td "Actors"] [td [html_form_text 2 40 "actorstr" $actorstr]]] puts $chan [tr "" [td "Guest Stars"] [td [html_form_text 2 40 "gueststarstr" $gueststarstr]]] puts $chan [tr "" [td "Directors"] [td [html_form_text 2 40 "directorstr" $directorstr]]] puts $chan [tr "" [td "Exec. Producers"] [td [html_form_text 2 40 "execproducerstr" $execproducerstr]]] puts $chan [tr "" [td "Producers"] [td [html_form_text 2 40 "producerstr" $producerstr]]] puts $chan [tr "" [td "Writers"] [td [html_form_text 2 40 "writerstr" $writerstr]]] #lgk do rating block here if { $tvrate != "" } { puts $chan "
" puts $chan [html_link "javascript:history.go(-1)" "Cancel"] } puts $chan [html_end] } proc updaterec { id newtitle neweptitle newdesc newexpsecs newseltype newactorstr newgueststarstr newdirectorstr newexecproducerstr newproducerstr newwriterstr neworigairdate newepisodenum newaltepisodenum newmanrec newisepisode origisepisode newismovie origismovie newmovieyear tvrating mpaarating newshowingdate grouptitle groupwith origtitle} { global db RetryTransaction { set rec [db $db openid $id] set showing [dbobj $rec get Showing] set program [dbobj $showing get Program] # set actualshowing [dbobj $rec get ActualShowing] set actualshowing [lindex [dbobj $rec get ActualShowing] 0] set actualprog [dbobj $actualshowing get Program] if { $tvrating != "" } { dbobj $actualprog set TvRating $tvrating } elseif { $mpaarating != "" } { dbobj $actualprog set MpaaRating $mpaarating } # lgk set new field showingdate # set showingdate [dbobj $showing get Date] # set origairdatesecs [ clock scan $neworigairdate ] # set originalairdate [ expr $origairdatesecs / 86400 ] # dbobj $program set OriginalAirDate $originalairdate set origshowingdatesecs [ clock scan $newshowingdate ] set originalshowingdate [ expr $origshowingdatesecs / 86400 ] dbobj $showing set Date $originalshowingdate set serverid [dbobj $program get ServerId] if { $serverid != "" && $::dtivo == 0 } { set newpobj [db $db create Program] dbobj $newpobj copyfrom $program dbobj $newpobj remove ServerId dbobj $newpobj remove ServerVersion dbobj $showing set Program $newpobj } else { set newpobj $program } dbobj $newpobj set Title $newtitle set series [dbobj $program get Series] if {$series != ""} { dbobj $series set Episodic $newisepisode } # clear EpisodeTitle, set IsEpisode=0 if { $newisepisode == 0 && $neweptitle == ""} { dbobj $newpobj remove EpisodeTitle dbobj $newpobj set IsEpisode 0 } # end of clear episode title if { $newisepisode == 1 && $origisepisode == 1 } { dbobj $newpobj set EpisodeTitle $neweptitle if { $newepisodenum != "" } { dbobj $newpobj set EpisodeNum $newepisodenum } else { dbobj $newpobj set EpisodeNum 0 } if { $newaltepisodenum != "" } { dbobj $newpobj set EpisodeNum $newaltepisodenum } else { dbobj $newpobj set AltEpisodeNum 0 } } #lgk set isepisode episodetitle and reset title in both showing and actualshowing if grouping stuff set #also check that the groupwith has a series already # only go in code of groupwith != 0 if {$groupwith != 0 } { set rec2 [db $db openid $groupwith] set showing2 [dbobj $rec2 get Showing] set program2 [dbobj $showing2 get Program] # set actualshowing2 [dbobj $rec2 get ActualShowing] set actualshowing2 [lindex [dbobj $rec get ActualShowing] 0] set actualprog2 [dbobj $actualshowing2 get Program] #only reset titles if orig is not an episode if it is already an episode leave titles but regroup #also only do this if the groupwith object has a series under showing/program/series try {set series2 [dbobj $program2 get Series]} catch errCode { set series2 "" } if {$series2 != "" && $grouptitle != "" } { if { $origisepisode == 0 } { dbobj $program set Title $grouptitle dbobj $program set EpisodeTitle $origtitle dbobj $program set IsEpisode 1 dbobj $actualprog set Title $grouptitle dbobj $actualprog set EpisodeTitle $origtitle dbobj $actualprog set IsEpisode 1 dbobj $program2 set Title $grouptitle dbobj $program2 set IsEpisode 1 dbobj $actualprog2 set Title $grouptitle dbobj $actualprog2 set IsEpisode 1 # now copy series to object dbobj $program set Series $series2 dbobj $actualprog set Series $series2 } else { dbobj $program set Title $grouptitle dbobj $program set EpisodeTitle $neweptitle dbobj $program set IsEpisode 1 dbobj $actualprog set Title $grouptitle dbobj $actualprog set EpisodeTitle $neweptitle dbobj $actualprog set IsEpisode 1 dbobj $program2 set Title $grouptitle dbobj $program2 set IsEpisode 1 dbobj $actualprog2 set Title $grouptitle dbobj $actualprog2 set IsEpisode 1 # now copy series to object dbobj $program set Series $series2 dbobj $actualprog set Series $series2 } #now reset series title dbobj $series2 set Title $grouptitle # puts "processing showids = $showids" # #now reset series title in all shows in this series # foreach fsidold $showids { # set objold [db $db openidconstruction $fsidold] # set showingold [dbobj $objold get Showing] # set programold [dbobj $showingold get Program] # set actualshowingold [dbobj $objold get ActualShowing] # set actualprogold [dbobj $actualshowingold get Program] # try {set seriesold [dbobj $programold get Series]} catch errCode { set seriesold "" } # set isepisodeold [dbobj $programold get IsEpisode] # # now check if it is an episode and same episode as we are changing ... if so change title to new group title # if { $isepisodeold == 1 && $seriesold == $series2 } { # puts "processing $fsidold" # dbobj $programold set Title $grouptitle # dbobj $actualprogold set Title $grouptitle # event send $TmkEvent::EVT_DATA_CHANGED $TmkDataChanged::RECORDINGS_ON_DISK $fsidold # } # } } } dbobj $newpobj set Description $newdesc set tmsid [dbobj $program get TmsId] if { $newismovie == 1 && $origismovie == 1 || $newismovie == 0 && $origismovie == 0 } { # Movie flag didn't change if {$newmovieyear != "" } { dbobj $newpobj set MovieYear $newmovieyear } } else { if { $newismovie == 0 && $origismovie == 1 } { # Movie flag was set to "Not a Movie". set movieflag [ string range $tmsid 2 [ string length $tmsid ]] } else { # Movie flag was set to "Movie". set movieflag "MV" append movieflag $tmsid } dbobj $newpobj set TmsId $movieflag } if {$newexpsecs == 0} { set newexpsecs [clock seconds] } set newexpdate [expr $newexpsecs / 86400] set newexptime [expr $newexpsecs % 86400] dbobj $rec set ExpirationDate $newexpdate dbobj $rec set ExpirationTime $newexptime if {$::version3} { set recbeh [dbobj $rec get RecordingBehavior] if {$newexpdate == 24855} { dbobj $recbeh set DiskBehavior 2 } else { dbobj $recbeh set DiskBehavior 4 } dbobj $recbeh set PresentationBehavior 1 if {$newmanrec == 1} { dbobj $recbeh set ProgramGuideBehavior 3 } else { dbobj $recbeh set ProgramGuideBehavior 1 } dbobj $recbeh set TunerBehavior 1 dbobj $rec set SelectionType 3 } else { dbobj $rec set SelectionType $newseltype # FIXME -- 2.5 Manual Recording Change will need to go here in addition to whatever else is involved. } set origairdatesecs [ clock scan $neworigairdate ] set originalairdate [ expr $origairdatesecs / 86400 ] dbobj $program set OriginalAirDate $originalairdate if { $newactorstr != "" } { set newActors [SaveNames $newactorstr] set numProc 0 if {$newActors == ""} { dbobj $newpobj remove Actor } else { foreach newActor $newActors { if { $numProc == 0 } { dbobj $newpobj set Actor $newActor } else { dbobj $newpobj add Actor $newActor } incr numProc } } } if { $newgueststarstr != "" } { set newGuestStars [SaveNames $newgueststarstr] set numProc 0 if {$newGuestStars == ""} { dbobj $newpobj remove GuestStar } else { foreach newGuestStar $newGuestStars { if { $numProc == 0 } { dbobj $newpobj set GuestStar $newGuestStar } else { dbobj $newpobj add GuestStar $newGuestStar } incr numProc } } } if { $newdirectorstr != "" } { set newDirectors [SaveNames $newdirectorstr] set numProc 0 if {$newDirectors == ""} { dbobj $newpobj remove Director } else { foreach newDirector $newDirectors { if { $numProc == 0 } { dbobj $newpobj set Director $newDirector } else { dbobj $newpobj add Director $newDirector } incr numProc } } } if { $newexecproducerstr != "" } { set newExecProducers [SaveNames $newexecproducerstr] set numProc 0 if {$newExecProducers == ""} { dbobj $newpobj remove ExecProducer } else { foreach newExecProducer $newExecProducers { if { $numProc == 0 } { dbobj $newpobj set ExecProducer $newExecProducer } else { dbobj $newpobj add ExecProducer $newExecProducer } incr numProc } } } if { $newproducerstr != "" } { set newProducers [SaveNames $newproducerstr] set numProc 0 if {$newProducers == ""} { dbobj $newpobj remove Producer } else { foreach newProducer $newProducers { if { $numProc == 0 } { dbobj $newpobj set Producer $newProducer } else { dbobj $newpobj add Producer $newProducer } incr numProc } } } if { $newwriterstr != "" } { set newWriters [SaveNames $newwriterstr] set numProc 0 if {$newWriters == ""} { dbobj $newpobj remove Writer } else { foreach newWriter $newWriters { if { $numProc == 0 } { dbobj $newpobj set Writer $newWriter } else { dbobj $newpobj add Writer $newWriter } incr numProc } } } } } proc action_showing {chan objectid env} { global db global selectiontypes global presentationbehtypes global states global showtypes global channeltablestation global channeltablestation_alt global genrenums genrevals global tvratingnums tvratingvals global showingbitnums showingbitvals global advisorynums advisoryvals global mpaaratingnums mpaaratingvals global premieretypes global images global cache_sp_fsid cache_sp_key global showtypeindex global showtypeindexend global bitsindex global bitsindexend global avindex global avindexend if {[string index $objectid 0] == "/"} { set objectid [string range $objectid 1 end] } puts $chan [html_start "Showing"] RetryTransaction { if { [regexp {([0-9]*)/(.*)} $objectid junk fsid subobjid] } { set showing [db $db openidconstruction $fsid $subobjid] } else { set showing [db $db openid $objectid] } set rec [dbobj $showing get IndexUsedBy] set day [dbobj $showing get Date] set time [dbobj $showing get Time] set timestr [format "%05d" $time] set recfsid "" if { $rec == "" } { set recfsid [lindex [get_fsidbyprefix "/Recording/Active" "4:$day:$timestr:"] 0] } } # set recfsid "" # if { $rec == "" } { # ForeachMfsFile fsid name type "/Recording/Active" "4:$day:$timestr:" { # set recfsid $fsid # } # } update_sp_cache RetryTransaction { if { [regexp {([0-9]*)/(.*)} $objectid junk fsid subobjid] } { set showing [db $db openidconstruction $fsid $subobjid] } else { set showing [db $db openid $objectid] } set rec [dbobj $showing get IndexUsedBy] set station [dbobj $showing get Station] set stationid [dbobj $station fsid] if { $rec == "" && $recfsid != "" } { set rec [db $db openid $recfsid] set showing2 [dbobj $rec get Showing] set station2 [dbobj $showing2 get Station] set stationfsid2 [dbobj $station2 fsid] if { $stationid != $stationfsid2 } { set rec "" } else { set showing $showing2 } } if { $rec != "" && $recfsid == "" } { set recfsid [dbobj $rec fsid] } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Get general data here, rather than over and over again below #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set program [dbobj $showing get Program] set title [strim [dbobj $program get Title]] set titlePlain $title set series [dbobj $program get Series] set description [strim [dbobj $program get Description]] set movieyear [dbobj $program get MovieYear] if { [catch {set data $channeltablestation($stationid)}] != 1 || [catch {set data $channeltablestation_alt($stationid)}] != 1 } { set channum [join [split [lindex $data 0] .] -] set callsign [lindex $data 2] } else { set callsign [dbobj $station get CallSign] } #titlestrg is needed for the internet database searchs (IMDB and TvTome) set titlestrg [httpMapReply [strim [dbobj $program get Title]]] regsub -all "\%26" $titlestrg "and" titlestrg set starrating [dbobj $program get StarRating] if { $starrating > 0 } { set starratingstr "" for {set i 0} {$i < [expr ($starrating + 1) / 2]} {incr i} { append starratingstr "*" } if { [expr ($starrating + 1) % 2] == 1 } { append starratingstr "½" } } set seriesfsid "" set thumbs "" if { $series != "" } { set seriesfsid [dbobj $series fsid] set thumbs "[html_link "/thumbs/$seriesfsid" "(No thumbs)"] " set score [dbobj $series get ThumbData] if { $score != "" } { set imagenum [get_thumbimagelj $score] if { [lindex $imagenum 0] >= 0} { set imagef [lindex $images [lindex $imagenum 0]] set thconf [lindex $imagenum 1] if { $thconf > 0 } { set thumbs [html_link "/thumbs/$seriesfsid" "[img "alt=\"Confidence: $thconf\"" $imagef]"] } } } } if { $seriesfsid != "" } { set title [html_link "/series/$seriesfsid" $title] } if { $rec != "" } { set seltype [dbobj $rec get SelectionType] if {$::version >= 3} { set recbeh [dbobj $rec get RecordingBehavior] set presbeh [dbobj $recbeh get PresentationBehavior] set progbeh [dbobj $recbeh get ProgramGuideBehavior] if { $presbeh == 10 || $presbeh == 9 || $progbeh == 3 || $progbeh == 8 } { if { $title == "" } { set title "Manual Recording" } else { set title "Manual: $title" } } } else { if { $seltype == 10 || $seltype == 5 } { if { $title == "" } { set title "Manual Recording" } else { set title "Manual: $title" } } } } puts $chan [h1 "$thumbs$title"] puts $chan [html_table_start "width=90%" "" ""] set eptitleraw [dbobj $program get EpisodeTitle] if {$series != ""} { set episodic [defaultval 1 [dbobj $series get Episodic]] } elseif { $eptitleraw != "" } { set episodic 1 } else { set episodic 0 } set tmstype 1 set tmsid [dbobj $program get TmsId] if { [string range $tmsid 0 1] == "MV" } { set tmstype 0 } if { [string length $tmsid] == 0 } { set tmstype $episodic } scan $callsign "MC%d" temp if { ![info exists temp] } { # don't display for music channels if { $tmstype == 1 } { #TV SHOWS set partindex [dbobj $showing get PartIndex] set partcount [dbobj $showing get PartCount] set partstr "" if { $partcount != "" && $partindex != "" } { set partstr " ($partindex/$partcount)" } if { $episodic == 1 } { puts $chan [tr "" [td "Episode Title"] [td [strim [dbobj $program get EpisodeTitle]]$partstr]] puts $chan [tr "" [td "Episode Description"] [td [strim [dbobj $program get Description]]]] puts $chan [tr "" [td "Episode Number"] [td [dbobj $program get EpisodeNum]]] puts $chan [tr "" [td "More Info"] [td "[html_link "http://www.tv.com/search.php?type=11&stype=all&qs=$titlestrg&x=0&y=0" "Search TV.com for '$titlePlain'" "target=_new"] --- Search provided by [html_link "http://www.tv.com" "TV.com" "target=_new"]."]] set altepisodenum [dbobj $program get AltEpisodeNum] if { $altepisodenum != "" } { puts $chan [tr "" [td "Alt Episode Number"] [td $altepisodenum]] } } else { puts $chan [tr "" [td "Description"] [td [strim [dbobj $program get Description]]]] } } else { # MOVIES puts $chan [tr "" [td "Description"] [td [strim [dbobj $program get Description]]]] puts $chan [tr "" [td "Year"] [td [dbobj $program get MovieYear]]] if { $movieyear == "" } { puts $chan "
" } set actionstr "" set nowtime [clock seconds] if { $rec != "" } { if { $state == 6 } { append actionstr [tr "" [td [html_link "/confirmdelete/2/$recfsid" "Cancel Recording"]]] append actionstr "\n" } elseif { $state == 4 } { append actionstr [tr "" [td [html_link "/editprogram/$recfsid" "Edit Program"]]] append actionstr [tr "" [td [html_link "/confirmdelete/1/$recfsid" "Delete Recording"]]] append actionstr "\n" } elseif { $state == 2 } { if { $nowtime < $showingstart } { append actionstr [tr "" [td [html_link "/recoptions/$objectid" "Record"]]] append actionstr "\n" } } elseif { $state == 5 } { if { $parts != "" } { append actionstr [tr "" [td [html_link "/confirmdelete/3/$recfsid" "Undelete"]]] append actionstr "\n" } } } else { if { $nowtime < $showingstart } { append actionstr [tr "" [td [html_link "/recoptions/$objectid" "Record"]]] append actionstr "\n" } } if { $rec != "" && $programsourcefsid != "" && ($programsourcetype == 1 || $programsourcetype == 2) } { append actionstr [tr "" [td [html_link "/editseasonpass/$programsourcefsid" "Edit Season Pass"]]] append actionstr "\n" } else { set sp_index [lsearch $cache_sp_key "$seriesfsid|$stationid"] if { $sp_index != -1 } { append actionstr [tr "" [td [html_link "/editseasonpass/[lindex $cache_sp_fsid $sp_index]" "Edit Season Pass"]]] append actionstr "\n" } elseif { $episodic == 1 } { if [PrefixMatches "6.3" $::tivoswversion] { append actionstr [tr "" [td [html_link "/getseasonpass/$objectid" "Get Season Pass (experimental)"]]] } else { append actionstr [tr "" [td [html_link "/getseasonpass/$objectid" "Get Season Pass"]]] } append actionstr "\n" } } if { $actionstr != "" } { puts $chan [html_table_start "" "" ""] puts $chan [tr "" [th "Actions"]] puts $chan $actionstr puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end] puts $chan "
" } puts $chan [html_end] } proc print_recoptions {chan type quality kal startearly endlate kam showtype keepuntil {duration 0} } { set duration [expr $duration/60] set qualvals "0 40 75 100" set quallabs "Basic Medium High Best" set kalvals "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7" set kallabs "{Until I delete} {1 day} {2 days} {3 days} {4 days} {5 days} {6 days} {7 days}" ## added 10 value -- SteveT set kamvals "1 2 3 4 5 10 0" set kamlabs "{1 episode} {2 episodes} {3 episodes} {4 episodes} {5 episodes} {10 episodes} {All Episodes}" if {$::version >= 3} { set showtvals "0 1 2" set showtlabs "{Repeats & first run} {First run only} {All (with duplicates)}" } else { set showtvals "0 1" set showtlabs "{Repeats & first run} {First run only}" } set keepuvals "0 1" set keepulabs "{Until I delete} {Space needed}" ## added 60 and 30 values -- SteveT set startvals "60 30 10 5 4 3 2 1 0" set startlabs "{60 minutes early} {30 minutes early} {10 minutes early} {5 minutes early} {4 minutes early} {3 minutes early} {2 minutes early} {1 minute early} {On-time}" if {$::version >= 3} { foreach startval [lsort -integer $startvals] { ## changed 5 to 60 -- SteveT if { $startval != 0 && ($duration == 0 && $startval <= 60 || $startval <= [expr $duration/2]) } { lappend startvals [expr $startval * -1] if { $startval == 1 } { set minutes "minute" } else { set minutes "minutes" } lappend startlabs "$startval $minutes late" } } } set endvals "0 1 2 5 15 30 60 90 180" set endlabs "{On-time} {1 minute longer} {2 minutes longer} {5 minutes longer} {15 minutes longer} {30 minutes longer} {1 hour longer} {1 1/2 hours longer} {3 hours longer}" if {$::version >= 3} { foreach endval $endvals { if { $endval != 0 && ($duration == 0 && $endval <= 5 || $endval <= [expr $duration/2]) } { set endvals [concat [list [expr $endval * -1]] $endvals] if { $endval == 1 } { set minutes "minute" } else { set minutes "minutes" } set endlabs [concat [list "$endval $minutes earlier"] $endlabs] } } } puts $chan [tr "" [td "Record Quality"] [td "width=55%" [html_form_select "quality" $qualvals $quallabs $quality]]] if { $type == 0 } { puts $chan [tr "" [td "Keep At Least"] [td [html_form_select "kal" $kalvals $kallabs $kal]]] } if { $type == 1 || $type == 2 || $type == 3 } { puts $chan [tr "" [td "Keep At Most"] [td [html_form_select "kam" $kamvals $kamlabs $kam]]] if { $type == 1 || $type == 3} { puts $chan [tr "" [td "Show Type"] [td [html_form_select "showtype" $showtvals $showtlabs $showtype]]] } puts $chan [tr "" [td "Keep Until"] [td [html_form_select "keepuntil" $keepuvals $keepulabs $keepuntil]]] } puts $chan [tr "" [td "Start Recording"] [td [html_form_select "startearly" $startvals $startlabs $startearly]]] puts $chan [tr "" [td "Stop Recording"] [td [html_form_select "endlate" $endvals $endlabs $endlate]]] } proc action_recoptions {chan objectid env} { global db global defrecquality RetryTransaction { if {[string index $objectid 0] == "/"} { set objectid [string range $objectid 1 end] } if { [regexp {([0-9]*)/(.*)} $objectid junk fsid subobjid] } { set showing [db $db openidconstruction $fsid $subobjid] } else { set showing [db $db openid $objectid] } set duration [dbobj $showing get Duration] } puts $chan [html_start "Recording Options"] puts $chan [h1 "Recording Options"] puts $chan [html_form_start "POST" "/conflicts"] puts $chan [html_table_start "" "" ""] print_recoptions $chan 0 $defrecquality 2 0 0 0 0 0 $duration puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end] puts $chan "
" puts $chan [html_form_hidden "objectid" $objectid] puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "Conflicts" "Conflicts"] puts $chan [html_form_end] puts $chan "
" puts $chan [html_link "javascript:history.go(-1)" "Cancel"] puts $chan [html_end] } proc action_conflicts {chan path env} { global db global num_tuners eval $env if { $objectid != "" } { if {[string index $objectid 0] == "/"} { set objectid [string range $objectid 1 end] } } else { puts $chan [html_start "Conflicts"] puts $chan "Error: no objectid in form data" puts $chan [html_end] return 1 } set conflictslist [GetConflictsList $objectid [expr 60 * $startearly] [expr 60 * $endlate]] if { [llength $conflictslist] > 0 } { puts $chan [html_start "Conflicts"] puts $chan [h1 "Conflicts"] puts $chan [html_table_start "width=90%" "" ""] puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th "Program"] [th "Episode"] [th "Date"] [th "Time"] [th "COLSPAN=2" "Channel"]] RetryTransaction { foreach conflict $conflictslist { set rec [db $db openid $conflict] set showing [dbobj $rec get Showing] set startearlysecs [defaultval 0 [dbobj $rec get StartPadding]] set endlatesecs [defaultval 0 [dbobj $rec get EndPadding]] if {[catch [do_conflictsrow $chan $showing $startearlysecs $endlatesecs] error]} { puts $chan [html_table_end] print_html_error $chan "do_conflictsrow $showing $startearlysecs $endlatesecs" $error puts $chan [html_end] return 1 } } } puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end] puts $chan "
if { $::dtivo && $::num_tuners == 2} {
set conflicts 0
foreach conflict $conflictslist {
RetryTransaction {
set rec [db $db openid $conflict]
set showing [dbobj $rec get Showing]
set showingfsid "[dbobj $showing fsid]/[dbobj $showing subobjid]"
set startearlysecs [defaultval 0 [dbobj $rec get StartPadding]]
set endlatesecs [defaultval 0 [dbobj $rec get EndPadding]]
set conflict_conflictslist [GetConflictsList $showingfsid $startearlysecs $endlatesecs]
set conflictindex [lsearch -exact $conflict_conflictslist $conflict]
set conflict_conflictslist [lreplace $conflict_conflictslist $conflictindex $conflictindex]
foreach conflict_conflict $conflict_conflictslist {
if { [lsearch -exact $conflictslist $conflict_conflict] != -1 } {
incr conflicts
if { $conflicts > 0 } {
puts $chan "Conflicts exist for both tuners. Continuing will cancel all listed conflicts.
puts $chan "To avoid having all conflicts deleted, please free up one of the tuners by
puts $chan "manually deleting one or more of the conflicts and try again.
} else {
puts $chan "Conflicts exist for only one tuner. Continuing will not cancel anything listed."
set conflictslist ""
puts $chan "
" } } else { puts $chan [html_start "Conflicts"] puts $chan [h1 "No Conflicts"] } puts $chan [html_table_start "width=90%" "" "ALIGN=TOP"] puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th "Program"] [th "Episode"] [th "Date"] [th "Time"] [th "COLSPAN=2" "Channel"]] RetryTransaction { if { [regexp {([0-9]*)/(.*)} $objectid junk fsid subobjid] } { set showing [db $db openidconstruction $fsid $subobjid] } else { set showing [db $db openid $objectid] } if {[catch [do_conflictsrow $chan $showing [expr $startearly * 60] [expr $endlate * 60]] error]} { puts $chan [html_table_end] print_html_error $chan "do_conflictsrow $showing [expr $startearly * 60] [expr $endlate * 60]" $error puts $chan [html_end] return 1 } } puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end] puts $chan "
" puts $chan [html_form_start "POST" "/record"] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "quality" $quality] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "kal" $kal] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "startearly" $startearly] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "endlate" $endlate] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "objectid" $objectid] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "conflictslist" $conflictslist] puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "Record" "Record"] puts $chan [html_form_end] puts $chan [html_link "javascript:history.go(-1)" "Cancel"] puts $chan [html_end] } proc do_conflictsrow {chan showing startearlysecs endlatesecs} { global db global channeltablestation global channeltablestation_alt set program [dbobj $showing get Program] set title [strim [dbobj $program get Title]] set showingfsid "[dbobj $showing fsid]/[dbobj $showing subobjid]" set eptitle [strim [dbobj $program get EpisodeTitle]] set showingsecs [expr [dbobj $showing get Date] * 86400 + [dbobj $showing get Time]] set showingendsecs [expr $showingsecs + [dbobj $showing get Duration] + $endlatesecs] set showingsecs [expr $showingsecs - $startearlysecs] if {$::lang == "en"} { set daystr [nth_sup [ftime $showingsecs "%e"]] set timestr [ftime $showingsecs "%a $daystr %b"] set timestr2 [ftime $showingsecs "%H:%M"] set timestr3 [ftime $showingendsecs "%H:%M"] } else { set timestr [ftime $showingsecs "%1m/%1d"] set timestr2 [ftime $showingsecs "%l:%M %P"] set timestr3 [ftime $showingendsecs "%l:%M %P"] } set station [dbobj $showing get Station] set stationid [dbobj $station fsid] if { [catch {set data $channeltablestation($stationid)}] != 1 || [catch {set data $channeltablestation_alt($stationid)}] != 1 } { set channum [join [split [lindex $data 0] .] -] set callsign [lindex $data 2] } ## show episode name and optional description of episode -- added by SteveT if { $eptitle == "" } { set eptitle "Not an Episode" } set description [strim [dbobj $program get Description]] set originalairdate [dbobj $program get OriginalAirDate] if { $originalairdate != "" } { set originalairdatesecs [expr $originalairdate * 86400] if {$::lang == "en"} { set daystr [nth [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "%e"]] set airdatestr [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "$daystr %b %Y"] } else { set airdatestr [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "%1m/%1d/%Y"] } } else { set airdatestr "" } if { $airdatestr != "" } { set description "($airdatestr) $description" } puts $chan [tr "" [td $title] [td [html_link "/showing/$showingfsid" $eptitle][desc_show $description]] [td $timestr] [td "$timestr2-$timestr3"] [td $channum] [td $callsign]] } proc action_confirmdelete {chan path env} { global db eval $env if {[info exists submit] && $submit == "Merge Shows"} { action_merge $chan $path $env return } set recfsids "" if {[string index $path 0] == "/"} { set path [string range $path 1 end] } set firstslash [string first "/" $path] set type [string range $path 0 [expr $firstslash - 1]] set recfsids [string range $path [expr $firstslash + 1] end] # if no recfsid, assume multi delete if {$recfsids == "" || $type == 6 || $type == 7 || $type == 8} { set rlist [lsort -dictionary [info vars "fsid_*"]] foreach rec $rlist { lappend recfsids [lindex [split $rec "_"] 2] } } if { $type == 3 } { puts $chan [html_start "Confirm Undeletion"] } else { puts $chan [html_start "Confirm Deletion"] } if {$type == 6 || $type == 7 || $type == 8} { puts $chan "Delete the following:?
if {$type == 6} {
puts $chan [html_form_start "POST" "/deletens/$type/" ""]
} else {
puts $chan [html_form_start "POST" "/deletetodo/$type/" ""]
puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""]
puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th "COLSPAN=2" "Date"] [th "Time"] [th "Program"] [th "Episode"] [th "Delete"]]
set rcount 0
foreach recfsid $recfsids {
RetryTransaction {
set rec [db $db openid $recfsid]
set showing [dbobj $rec get Showing]
set program [dbobj $showing get Program]
set title [strim [dbobj $program get Title]]
set episodetitle [strim [dbobj $program get EpisodeTitle]]
set seconds [expr [dbobj $showing get Date] * 86400 + [dbobj $showing get Time]]
set day [ftime $seconds "%a"]
if {$::lang == "en"} {
set daystr [nth_sup [ftime $seconds "%e"]]
set date [ftime $seconds "$daystr %b"]
set time [ftime $seconds "%H:%M"]
} else {
set date [ftime $seconds "%1m/%1d"]
set time [ftime $seconds "%l:%M %P"]
## show description of episode -- added by SteveT
set description [strim [dbobj $program get Description]]
set originalairdate [dbobj $program get OriginalAirDate]
if { $episodetitle == "" } {
set episodetitle "Not an Episode"
if { $originalairdate != "" } {
set originalairdatesecs [expr $originalairdate * 86400]
if {$::lang == "en"} {
set daystr [nth [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "%e"]]
set airdatestr [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "$daystr %b %Y"]
} else {
set airdatestr [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "%1m/%1d/%Y"]
} else {
set airdatestr ""
if { $airdatestr != "" } {
set description "($airdatestr) $description"
set episodetitle "$episodetitle [desc_show $description]"
if { $type == 6 || $type == 7 || $type == 8} {
puts $chan [tr "" [td $day] [td "NOWRAP" $date] [td "ALIGN=RIGHT" $time] [td $title] [td $episodetitle] [td "ALIGN=CENTER" [html_form_checkbox "fsid_${rcount}_$recfsid" "1"]]]
incr rcount
} else {
if { $type == 3 } {
set tmpstr "Undelete"
} else {
set tmpstr "Delete"
append tmpstr " '$title' - $day $date $time ?"
if { $episodetitle != "" } {
append tmpstr "
puts $chan $tmpstr
puts $chan "
" switch $type { 1 {puts $chan [html_link "/deletens/$recfsid" "Yes"]} 2 {puts $chan [html_link "/deletetodo/$recfsid" "Yes"]} 3 {puts $chan [html_link "/undelete/$recfsid" "Yes"]} } puts $chan [html_link "javascript:history.go(-1)" "Cancel"] } } if { $type == 6 || $type == 7 || $type == 8} { puts $chan [html_table_end] puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "submit" "Yes"] puts $chan "" puts $chan [html_form_end] } puts $chan [html_end] } proc action_undelete {chan recfsid env} { global db if {[string index $recfsid 0] == "/"} { set recfsid [string range $recfsid 1 end] } puts $chan [html_start "Undelete Recording"] RetryTransaction { set rec [db $db openid $recfsid] set showing [dbobj $rec get Showing] set program [dbobj $showing get Program] set title [strim [dbobj $program get Title]] set episodetitle [strim [dbobj $program get EpisodeTitle]] } if { $episodetitle != "" } { set deletestr "Undeletion of '$title' '$episodetitle'" } else { set deletestr "Undeletion of '$title'" } set success [UndeleteRec $recfsid] if { $success == 1 } { puts $chan "$deletestr Successful" } else { puts $chan "$deletestr Failed" } puts $chan "
puts $chan [html_link "/ui/deletedshows" "Deleted Shows"]
puts $chan [html_end]
proc action_deletens {chan path env} {
global db
set recfsids ""
if {[string index $path 0] == "/"} {
set path [string range $path 1 end]
set firstslash [string first "/" $path]
set type [string range $path 0 [expr $firstslash - 1]]
set recfsids [string range $path [expr $firstslash + 1] end]
# if no recfsid, assume multi delete
if {$recfsids == "" || $type == 6} {
eval $env
set rlist [lsort -dictionary [info vars "fsid_*"]]
foreach rec $rlist {
lappend recfsids [lindex [split $rec "_"] 2]
puts $chan [html_start "Delete Recording"]
if {$type == 6} {
puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""]
puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th "Program"] [th "Episode"] [th "Result"]]
foreach recfsid $recfsids {
RetryTransaction {
set rec [db $db openid $recfsid]
set showing [dbobj $rec get Showing]
set program [dbobj $showing get Program]
set title [strim [dbobj $program get Title]]
set episodetitle [strim [dbobj $program get EpisodeTitle]]
set success [DeleteNowShowingRec $recfsid]
if {$type == 6} {
set success_str ""
if { $success == 1 } {
set success_str "Successfully Deleted"
} else {
set success_str "Delete Failed"
puts $chan [tr "" [td $title] [td $episodetitle] [td $success_str]]
} else {
if { $episodetitle != "" } {
set deletestr "Deletion of '$title' '$episodetitle'"
} else {
set deletestr "Deletion of '$title'"
if { $success == 1 } {
puts $chan "
$deletestr Successful"
} else {
puts $chan "
$deletestr Failed"
if { $type == 6 } {
puts $chan [html_table_end]
puts $chan "
" puts $chan [html_link "/nowshowing" "Now Playing"] puts $chan [html_end] } proc action_deletetodo {chan path env} { global db set recfsids "" if {[string index $path 0] == "/"} { set path [string range $path 1 end] } set firstslash [string first "/" $path] set type [string range $path 0 [expr $firstslash - 1]] set recfsids [string range $path [expr $firstslash + 1] end] # if no recfsid, assume multi delete if {$recfsids == "" || $type == 7 || $type == 8} { eval $env set rlist [lsort -dictionary [info vars "fsid_*"]] foreach rec $rlist { lappend recfsids [lindex [split $rec "_"] 2] } } puts $chan [html_start "Cancel Recording"] if {$type == 7 || $type == 8} { puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""] puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th "Program"] [th "Episode"] [th "Result"]] } foreach recfsid $recfsids { RetryTransaction { set rec [db $db openid $recfsid] set showing [dbobj $rec get Showing] set program [dbobj $showing get Program] set title [strim [dbobj $program get Title]] set episodetitle [strim [dbobj $program get EpisodeTitle]] } set success [DeleteTodoRec $recfsid 24 "Cancelled by user"] if {$type == 7 || $type == 8} { set success_str "" if { $success == 1 } { set success_str "Successfully Deleted" } else { set success_str "Delete Failed" } puts $chan [tr "" [td $title] [td $episodetitle] [td $success_str]] } else { if { $episodetitle != "" } { set deletestr "Deletion of '$title' '$episodetitle'" } else { set deletestr "Deletion of '$title'" } if { $success == 1 } { puts $chan "$deletestr Successful" } else { puts $chan "$deletestr Failed" } } } if { $type == 7 || $type == 8} { puts $chan [html_table_end] } puts $chan "
" puts $chan [html_link "/ui/todo" "ToDo"] puts $chan [html_end] } proc decode_vector {vector} { set largesti 0 set largestn 0 set first 1 set count 0 foreach val $vector { if { $val > $largestn } { set first 0 set largestn $val set largesti $count } incr count } if {$first == 1} { return 0 } else { return [expr $largesti - 3] } } proc get_thumbimage {score} { set thumbdata [ReadableThumbs $score] scan $thumbdata "%s %d" thumbtype numthumbs if {$thumbtype == "Predicted"} { switch -- $numthumbs { -3 {set imagenum 14} -2 {set imagenum 15} -1 {set imagenum 16} 1 {set imagenum 17} 2 {set imagenum 18} 3 {set imagenum 19} default {set imagenum -1} } } else { switch -- $numthumbs { -3 {set imagenum 9} -2 {set imagenum 6} -1 {set imagenum 4} 1 {set imagenum 12} 2 {set imagenum 2} 3 {set imagenum 7} default {set imagenum -1} } } return $imagenum } proc action_series {chan objectid env} { global db global images global programindexstartday global nowshowingdir set watch 1 eval $env if {[string index $objectid 0] == "/"} { set objectid [string range $objectid 1 end] } RetryTransaction { set series [db $db openid $objectid] set title [strim [dbobj $series get Title]] set score [dbobj $series get ThumbData] set seriesfsid [dbobj $series fsid] set thumbs "[html_link "/thumbs/$seriesfsid" "(No thumbs)"] " if { $score != "" } { set imagenum [get_thumbimagelj $score] if { [lindex $imagenum 0] >= 0} { set imagef [lindex $images [lindex $imagenum 0]] set thconf [lindex $imagenum 1] if { $thconf > 0 } { set thumbs [html_link "/thumbs/$seriesfsid" "[img "alt=\"Confidence: $thconf\"" $imagef]"] } } } puts $chan [html_start "Series: '$title'"] puts $chan [h1 "$thumbs $title"] } puts $chan [h2 [html_link "/nowshowing" "Now Playing"]] set delete_th "" puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""] #LJ2 added mins; tr was "ALIGN=CENTER" puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th ""] [th "Episode"] [th "Num"] [th "Orig.Air Date"] [th "Chan"] [th "COLSPAN=2" "Date"] [th "Time"] [th "Duration"]] set rcount 0 ForeachMfsFile fsid name type $nowshowingdir "" { if {[catch [do_seriesrow $chan $fsid $objectid 0 2 $rcount] error]} { puts "do_seriesrow $fsid $objectid 0 2 $rcount" puts $error } incr rcount } puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end] puts $chan "
" puts $chan [h2 [html_link "/ui/todo" "Upcoming Showings"]] puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""] # LJ added mins; tr was "ALIGN=CENTER" puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th ""] [th "Episode"] [th "Num"] [th "Orig.Air Date" ] [th "Chan"] [th "COLSPAN=2" "Date"] [th "Time"] [th "Duration"]] set slists [get_programshowings $objectid $watch] # puts $chan $slists foreach slist $slists { set seconds [lindex $slist 0] set stationfsid [lindex $slist 1] set date [expr $seconds / 86400] set time [expr $seconds % 86400] set timestr [format "%05d" $time] set recfsid "" RetryTransaction { set recfsid [lindex [get_fsidbyprefix "/Recording/Active" "4:$date:$timestr:"] 0] set schedlist [get_fsidbyprefix "/Schedule" "$stationfsid:$date:"] set stationdayfsid [lindex $schedlist 0] if { [scan [lindex $schedlist 1] "%d:%d:%d:%d:" dummy dummy2 starttime duration] == 4 } { regsub {^0+([1-9])} $starttime {\1} starttime regsub {^0+([1-9])} $duration {\1} duration if { $::dtivo } { set stoptime [expr $starttime + $duration] if {$starttime + $duration <= $time} { set stoptimestr [format "%05d" $stoptime] set stationdayfsid [lindex [get_fsidbyprefix "/Schedule" "$stationfsid:$date:$stoptimestr:"] 0] } } } else { error "Invalid /Schedule format: [lindex $schedlist 1]" } set stationday [db $db openid $stationdayfsid] set showings [dbobj $stationday get Showing] set slen [llength $showings] set current [expr int(($time-$starttime)/($duration*1.0) * $slen)] if {$current >= $slen} { set current [expr $slen - 1] } set top $slen set bottom 0 set count 0 set match 0 set rcount 0 while { $top >= $bottom } { set showing [lindex $showings $current] set stime [dbobj $showing get Time] if { $time == $stime } { if {[catch [do_seriesrowtodo $chan $showing $recfsid 0] error]} { puts "do_seriesrowtodo $chan $showing $recfsid 0" puts $error } incr rcount set match 1 break } elseif { $time > $stime } { set bottom [expr $current + 1] } else { set top [expr $current - 1] } set current [expr int($bottom + ($top - $bottom) / 2.0)] incr count if { $count > $slen } { error "Error: infinite loop in binary search ($bottom $top $current $slen $stationfsid $date $time)" break } } if { $match == 0 } { error "Error: binary search didn't find showing ($stationfsid $date $time)" } } } puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end] puts $chan [html_end] } proc action_record [info args action_record] "eval \$env [info body action_record]" proc do_seriesrow {chan fsid objectid multi type args} { global db global images global cache_ns_rec global cache_ns_series global channeltablestation global channeltablestation_alt if {[llength $args] > 0} { set rcount [lindex $args 0] } set index [lsearch $cache_ns_rec $fsid] if { $index != -1 } { set seriesfsid [lindex $cache_ns_series $index] if {$seriesfsid != $objectid} { return } } set suggestion 0 set vod 0 RetryTransaction { if { $index == -1 } { set rec [db $db openid $fsid] set showing [dbobj $rec get Showing] set station [dbobj $showing get Station] set program [dbobj $showing get Program] set series [dbobj $program get Series] set seriesfsid "" if {$series != ""} { set seriesfsid [dbobj $series fsid] lappend cache_ns_rec $fsid lappend cache_ns_series $seriesfsid } } if {$seriesfsid == $objectid} { if { $index != -1 } { set rec [db $db openid $fsid] set showing [dbobj $rec get Showing] set station [dbobj $showing get Station] set program [dbobj $showing get Program] set series [dbobj $program get Series] } set stationfsid [dbobj $station fsid] set showingtime [dbobj $showing get Time] set showingdurationsecs [dbobj $showing get Duration] set durationsecs 0 set stopdate [dbobj $rec get StopDate] set stoptime [dbobj $rec get StopTime] if { $stoptime == "" } { set stoptime [expr ($showingtime + $showingdurationsecs) % 86400] } set startdate [dbobj $rec get StartDate] set starttime [dbobj $rec get StartTime] if { $starttime == "" } { set starttime $showingtime } if { $stopdate != "" } { set durationsecs [expr ($stopdate * 86400 + $stoptime) - ($startdate * 86400 + $starttime)] } if { $durationsecs == 0 } { set durationsecs $showingdurationsecs } set duration [format "%d:%02d" [expr $durationsecs / (60*60)] [expr ($durationsecs % (60*60)) / 60]] set state [dbobj $rec get State] set showingfsid [dbobj $rec gettarget Showing] if {$::version >= 3} { set recbeh [dbobj $rec get RecordingBehavior] set seltype [dbobj $recbeh get PresentationBehavior] set presbeh $seltype if { $presbeh == 6 } { set suggestion 1 } } else { set seltype [dbobj $rec get SelectionType] if { $seltype == 6 } { set createby [dbobj $rec get CreatedBy] if { $createby == 2 } { set vod 1 } else { set suggestion 1 } } } if {$series != ""} { set episodic [defaultval 1 [dbobj $series get Episodic]] } else { set episodic 0 } set eptitle [get_verbose_title $program $episodic 0] set description [strim [dbobj $program get Description]] set partindex [dbobj $showing get PartIndex] set partcount [dbobj $showing get PartCount] if { $partcount != "" && $partindex != "" } { append eptitle " ($partindex/$partcount)" } set station [dbobj $showing get Station] if { [catch {set data $channeltablestation($stationfsid)}] != 1 || [catch {set data $channeltablestation_alt($stationfsid)}] != 1 } { set callsign [lindex $data 2] } else { set callsign [dbobj $station get CallSign] } set epnum [dbobj $program get EpisodeNum] set originalairdate [dbobj $program get OriginalAirDate] if { $originalairdate != "" } { set originalairdatesecs [expr $originalairdate * 86400] if {$::lang == "en"} { set daystr [nth [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "%e"]] set airdatestr [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "$daystr %b %Y"] } else { set airdatestr [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "%1m/%1d/%Y"] } } else { set airdatestr "" } if { $airdatestr != "" } { set hovertext "($airdatestr) $description" } else { set hovertext $description } set attrs [CreateHover $hovertext] set seconds [expr [dbobj $showing get Date] * 86400 + $showingtime] set day [ftime $seconds "%a"] if {$::lang == "en"} { set daystr [nth_sup [ftime $seconds "%e"]] set date [ftime $seconds "$daystr %b"] set time [ftime $seconds "%H:%M"] } else { set date [ftime $seconds "%1m/%1d"] set time [ftime $seconds "%l:%M %P"] } set expdate [dbobj $rec get ExpirationDate] set expsecs [expr $expdate * 86400 + [dbobj $rec get ExpirationTime]] set nowsecs [clock seconds] if {$state == 5} { set imagenum 20 } elseif {$state == 3} { set imagenum 8 } elseif {$suggestion} { set imagenum 10 } elseif {$vod} { set imagenum 21 } elseif {$expdate == 24855} { set imagenum 0 } elseif {$expsecs < $nowsecs} { set imagenum 5 } elseif {$expsecs < [expr $nowsecs + 24*60*60]} { set imagenum 3 } else { set imagenum -1 } if { $imagenum >= 0} { set imagef [lindex $images $imagenum] set imageh [img "alt=\"\"" $imagef] if { $imagenum == 20 } { ;# recycled set imageh [html_link "/confirmdelete/3/$fsid" [img "alt=\"undelete\"" $imagef]] } } else { set imageh "" } set delete_td "" if {$multi == 6} { set delete_td [td "ALIGN=CENTER" [html_form_checkbox "fsid_${rcount}_$fsid" ""]] } #LJ added durn to next two puts lines ## Added desc_show -- SteveT if { $type == 2 } { puts $chan [tr "" [td $imageh] [td [html_link "/showing/$showingfsid" $eptitle $attrs][desc_show $hovertext]] [td $epnum] [td $airdatestr] [td [html_link "/channel/$stationfsid" $callsign]] [td $day] [td "NOWRAP" $date] [td $time] [td $duration] $delete_td] } else { puts $chan [tr "" [td $imageh] [td [html_link "/showing/$showingfsid" $eptitle $attrs][desc_show $hovertext]] [td $epnum] [td $airdatestr] [td [html_link "/channel/$stationfsid" $callsign]] [td $day] [td "NOWRAP" $date] [td $duration] $delete_td] } } } } proc do_seriesrowtodo {chan showing recfsid space} { global db global images global channeltablestation global channeltablestation_alt set showingfsid "[dbobj $showing fsid]/[dbobj $showing subobjid]" set program [dbobj $showing get Program] set series [dbobj $program get Series] if {$series != ""} { set episodic [defaultval 1 [dbobj $series get Episodic]] } else { set episodic 0 } set eptitle [get_verbose_title $program $episodic 0] set description [strim [dbobj $program get Description]] set partindex [dbobj $showing get PartIndex] set partcount [dbobj $showing get PartCount] if { $partcount != "" && $partindex != "" } { append eptitle " ($partindex/$partcount)" } set station [dbobj $showing get Station] set stationfsid [dbobj $station fsid] ## return immediately if not in watched channels - added by SteveT if { [catch {set data $channeltablestation($stationfsid)}] == 1 } { return } if { [catch {set data $channeltablestation($stationfsid)}] != 1 || [catch {set data $channeltablestation_alt($stationfsid)}] != 1 } { set callsign [lindex $data 2] } else { set callsign [dbobj $station get CallSign] } set epnum [dbobj $program get EpisodeNum] set durationsecs [dbobj $showing get Duration] set duration [format "%d:%02d" [expr $durationsecs / (60*60)] [expr ($durationsecs % (60*60)) / 60]] set originalairdate [dbobj $program get OriginalAirDate] if { $originalairdate != "" } { set originalairdatesecs [expr $originalairdate * 86400] if {$::lang == "en"} { set daystr [nth [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "%e"]] set airdatestr [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "$daystr %b %Y"] } else { set airdatestr [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "%1m/%1d/%Y"] } } else { set airdatestr "" } if { $airdatestr != "" } { set hovertext "($airdatestr) $description" } else { set hovertext $description } set attrs [CreateHover $hovertext] set seconds [expr [dbobj $showing get Date] * 86400 + [dbobj $showing get Time]] set day [ftime $seconds "%a"] if {$::lang == "en"} { set daystr [nth_sup [ftime $seconds "%e"]] set date [ftime $seconds "$daystr %b"] set time [ftime $seconds "%H:%M"] } else { set date [ftime $seconds "%1m/%1d"] #SteveT set time [ftime $seconds "%l:%M %P"] set time [ftime $seconds "%l:%M %P"] } set imagenum -1 # check if the recording we found in this time slot is the same show # if so, display the appropriate icon if {$recfsid != ""} { set rec [db $db openid $recfsid] set recshowing [dbobj $rec get Showing] set recstation [dbobj $recshowing get Station] set recstationfsid [dbobj $recstation fsid] if {$recstationfsid == $stationfsid} { set showingfsid "[dbobj $recshowing fsid]/[dbobj $recshowing subobjid]" set state [dbobj $rec get State] if {$state == 6} { if {$::version >= 3} { set recbeh [dbobj $rec get RecordingBehavior] set seltype [dbobj $recbeh get PresentationBehavior] if {$seltype == 6} { set imagenum 10 } elseif {$seltype == 2} { set imagenum 11 } elseif {$seltype == 3} { set imagenum 13 } else { set imagenum 1 } } else { set seltype [dbobj $rec get SelectionType] if {$seltype == 6} { set imagenum 10 } elseif {$seltype == 9} { set imagenum 11 } elseif {$seltype == 13} { set imagenum 13 } else { set imagenum 1 } } } } } if {$imagenum >= 0} { set imagef [lindex $images $imagenum] set imageh [img "alt=\"\"" $imagef] } else { #LJ For slot free # set imageh "" ## changed line below per didolgi -- SteveT #set imageh [slotfree [expr $seconds - [get_tzoffset $seconds]] [dbobj $showing get Duration] $chan] set imageh [slotfree [expr $seconds ] [dbobj $showing get Duration] $chan] } if {$space == 1} { set spacestr [td "WIDTH=\"30\"" ""] } else { set spacestr "" } set delete_td "" #LJ added " [td $durn]" to the next line ## Added desc_show -- SteveT puts $chan [tr "" [td $imageh] $spacestr [td [html_link "/showing/$showingfsid" $eptitle $attrs][desc_show $hovertext]] [td $epnum] [td $airdatestr] [td [html_link "/channel/$stationfsid" $callsign]] [td $day] [td "NOWRAP" $date] [td "nowrap" $time] [td $duration] $delete_td] } proc action_todo {chan todotype env} { global db global channeltablestation global channeltablestation_alt if {[string index $todotype 0] == "/"} { set todotype [string range $todotype 1 end] } if {$todotype == 0} { puts $chan [html_start "To Do"] puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""] puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th "COLSPAN=2" "Date"] [th "Time"] [th "Chan"] [th "Program"] [th "Episode"]] set path "/Recording/Active" set prefix "4" } elseif {$todotype == 1} { puts $chan [html_start "Scheduled Suggestions"] puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""] puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th "COLSPAN=2" "Date"] [th "Time"] [th "Chan"] [th "Program"] [th "Episode"] [th "Score"]] set path "/Recording/Active" set prefix "4" } elseif {$todotype == 2} { puts $chan [html_start "Suggestions"] puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""] puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th "COLSPAN=2" "Date"] [th "Time"] [th "Chan"] [th "Program"] [th "Episode"] [th "Score"]] set path "/Recording/Pending" set prefix "" } elseif {$todotype == 7} { puts $chan [html_start "To Do"] puts $chan " " puts $chan [html_form_start "POST" "/confirmdelete/7/" "name=\"form\""] puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""] puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th "COLSPAN=2" "Date"] [th "Time"] [th "Chan"] [th "Program"] [th "Episode"] [th ""]] set path "/Recording/Active" set prefix "4" } elseif {$todotype == 8} { puts $chan [html_start "Scheduled Suggestions"] puts $chan " " puts $chan [html_form_start "POST" "/confirmdelete/8/" "name=\"form\""] puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""] puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th "COLSPAN=2" "Date"] [th "Time"] [th "Chan"] [th "Program"] [th "Episode"] [th "Score"] [th ""]] set path "/Recording/Active" set prefix "4" } else { puts "Error: invalid todo type" return 1 } set rcount 0 ForeachMfsFileTrans fsid name type $path $prefix 15 { set rec [db $db openid $fsid] set manual 0 set suggestion 0 if {$::version >= 3} { set recbeh [dbobj $rec get RecordingBehavior] set presbeh [dbobj $recbeh get PresentationBehavior] set progbeh [dbobj $recbeh get ProgramGuideBehavior] if { $presbeh == 10 || $presbeh == 9 } { set manual 1 } if { $progbeh == 3 || $progbeh == 8 } { set manual 1 } if { $presbeh == 6 } { set suggestion 1 } } else { set seltype [dbobj $rec get SelectionType] if { $seltype == 10 || $seltype == 5 } { set manual 1 } if { $seltype == 6 } { set suggestion 1 } } if {($todotype == 0 || $todotype == 7) ^ ($suggestion == 1)} { set showing [dbobj $rec get Showing] set showingfsid [dbobj $rec gettarget Showing] set station [dbobj $showing get Station] set stationfsid [dbobj $station fsid] set program [dbobj $showing get Program] set title [strim [dbobj $program get Title]] set description [strim [dbobj $program get Description]] if { $manual } { if { $title == "" } { set title "Manual Recording" } else { set title "Manual: $title" } set series "" } else { set series [dbobj $program get Series] } if {$series != ""} { set episodic [defaultval 1 [dbobj $series get Episodic]] set seriesfsid [dbobj $series fsid] } else { set episodic 0 set manual 1 } set eptitle [get_verbose_title $program $episodic 0] set originalairdate [dbobj $program get OriginalAirDate] if { $originalairdate != "" } { set originalairdatesecs [expr $originalairdate * 86400] if {$::lang == "en"} { set daystr [nth [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "%e"]] set airdatestr [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "$daystr %b %Y"] } else { set airdatestr [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "%1m/%1d/%Y"] } } else { set airdatestr "" } if { $airdatestr != "" } { set hovertext "($airdatestr) $description" } else { set hovertext $description } set attrs [CreateHover $hovertext] if { [catch {set data $channeltablestation($stationfsid)}] != 1 || [catch {set data $channeltablestation_alt($stationfsid)}] != 1 } { set callsign [lindex $data 2] } else { set callsign [dbobj $station get CallSign] } set seconds [expr [dbobj $showing get Date] * 86400 + [dbobj $showing get Time]] set day [ftime $seconds "%a"] if {$::lang == "en"} { set daystr [nth_sup [ftime $seconds "%e"]] set date [ftime $seconds "$daystr %b"] set time [ftime $seconds "%H:%M"] } else { set date [ftime $seconds "%1m/%1d"] set time [ftime $seconds "%l:%M %P"] } set scorestr "" if {$todotype != 0 && $todotype != 7} { if {$::version >= 3} { set score [dbobj $rec get SubPriority] } else { set score [dbobj $rec get Score] } set scorestr [td "nowrap" [html_link "/thumbs/$seriesfsid" [ReadableThumbs $score]]] } set delete_td "" if {$todotype == 7 || $todotype == 8} { set delete_td [td "ALIGN=CENTER" [html_form_checkbox "fsid_${rcount}_$fsid" ""]] incr rcount } ## Added desc_show -- SteveT if { $manual } { puts $chan [tr "" [td $day] [td "NOWRAP" $date] [td "NOWRAP ALIGN=RIGHT" $time] [td [html_link "/channel/$stationfsid" $callsign]] [td [html_link "/showing/$showingfsid" $title]] [td [html_link "/showing/$showingfsid" $eptitle $attrs][desc_show $hovertext]] $scorestr $delete_td] } else { puts $chan [tr "" [td $day] [td "NOWRAP" $date] [td "NOWRAP ALIGN=RIGHT" $time] [td [html_link "/channel/$stationfsid" $callsign]] [td [html_link "/series/$seriesfsid" $title]] [td [html_link "/showing/$showingfsid" $eptitle $attrs][desc_show $hovertext]] $scorestr $delete_td] } } } puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end] if {$todotype == 7 || $todotype == 8} { puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "submit" "Delete Shows"] puts $chan [html_form_end] } puts $chan [html_end] } proc print_nowshowingrow {chan rec type args} { global db global images global cache_ns_rec global cache_ns_series if {[llength $args] > 0} { set rcount [lindex $args 0] } set showing [dbobj $rec get Showing] set showingfsid [dbobj $rec gettarget Showing] set station [dbobj $showing get Station] set stationname [dbobj $station get Name] set program [dbobj $showing get Program] set title [strim [dbobj $program get Title]] set description [strim [dbobj $program get Description]] set manual 0 set suggestion 0 set vod 0 set watchonly 0 if {$::version >= 3} { set recbeh [dbobj $rec get RecordingBehavior] set presbeh [dbobj $recbeh get PresentationBehavior] set progbeh [dbobj $recbeh get ProgramGuideBehavior] set diskbeh [dbobj $recbeh get DiskBehavior] if { $presbeh == 10 || $presbeh == 9 } { set manual 1 } if { $progbeh == 3 || $progbeh == 8 } { set manual 1 } if { $presbeh == 6 } { set suggestion 1 } if { $diskbeh == 7 } { # for multipart set watchonly 1 } } else { set seltype [dbobj $rec get SelectionType] if { $seltype == 10 || $seltype == 5 } { set manual 1 } if { $seltype == 6 } { set createby [dbobj $rec get CreatedBy] if { $createby == 2 } { set vod 1 } else { set suggestion 1 } } } if { $manual } { if { $title == "" } { set title "Manual Recording" } else { set title "Manual: $title" } } set state [dbobj $rec get State] set fsid [dbobj $rec fsid] set index [lsearch $cache_ns_rec $fsid] set seriesfsid "" set series [dbobj $program get Series] if { $index == -1 } { if {$series != ""} { set seriesfsid [dbobj $series fsid] lappend cache_ns_rec $fsid lappend cache_ns_series $seriesfsid } } else { set seriesfsid [lindex $cache_ns_series $index] } set eptitleraw [dbobj $program get EpisodeTitle] #set isepisode [dbobj $program get IsEpisode] if {$series != ""} { set episodic [defaultval 1 [dbobj $series get Episodic]] } else { if { $eptitleraw == "" } { set episodic 0 } else { set episodic 1 } set watchonly 1 } set eptitle [get_verbose_title $program $episodic 0] set originalairdate [dbobj $program get OriginalAirDate] if { $originalairdate != "" } { set originalairdatesecs [expr $originalairdate * 86400] if {$::lang == "en"} { set daystr [nth [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "%e"]] set airdatestr [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "$daystr %b %Y"] } else { set airdatestr [clock format $originalairdatesecs -format "%1m/%1d/%Y"] } } else { set airdatestr "" } if { $airdatestr != "" } { set hovertext "($airdatestr) $description" } else { set hovertext $description } set attrs [CreateHover $hovertext] set seconds [expr [dbobj $showing get Date] * 86400 + [dbobj $showing get Time]] set day [ftime $seconds "%a"] if {$::lang == "en"} { set daystr [nth_sup [ftime $seconds "%e"]] set date [ftime $seconds "$daystr %b"] } else { set date [ftime $seconds "%1m/%1d"] } set expdate [dbobj $rec get ExpirationDate] set expsecs [expr $expdate * 86400 + [dbobj $rec get ExpirationTime]] set nowsecs [clock seconds] if {$state == 5} { set imagenum 20 } elseif {$state == 3} { set imagenum 8 } elseif {$suggestion} { set imagenum 10 } elseif {$vod} { set imagenum 21 } elseif {$expdate == 24855} { set imagenum 0 } elseif {$expsecs < $nowsecs} { set imagenum 5 } elseif {$expsecs < [expr $nowsecs + 24*60*60]} { set imagenum 3 } else { set imagenum -1 } if { $imagenum >= 0} { set imagef [lindex $images $imagenum] set imageh [img "alt=\"\"" $imagef] if { $imagenum == 20 } { ;# recycled set imageh [html_link "/confirmdelete/3/$fsid" [img "alt=\"undelete\"" $imagef]] } } else { set imageh "" } set delete_td "" if {$type == 6} { set delete_td "[td "ALIGN=CENTER" [html_form_checkbox "fsid_${rcount}_$fsid" ""]]" } if { $::tyshow_links && $type != "" } { set delete_td "$delete_td [td [html_link "/asx/$fsid.asx" "View"]]" } ## Added desc_show -- SteveT if {$title == "Multipart" && $stationname == "n/a"} { puts $chan [tr "" [td $imageh] [td [html_link "/showing/$showingfsid" $title]] [td [html_link "/showing/$showingfsid" "[htmlEncode $hovertext]" "Multipart recording"]] [td $day] [td "NOWRAP" $date] [td $stationname] $delete_td [td "[html_link "/asx/$fsid.asx" "$fsid"]"]] } elseif {$manual || $watchonly} { puts $chan [tr "" [td $imageh] [td [html_link "/showing/$showingfsid" $title]] [td [html_link "/showing/$showingfsid" $eptitle $attrs][desc_show $hovertext]] [td $day] [td "NOWRAP" $date] [td $stationname] $delete_td [td "[html_link "/asx/$fsid.asx" "$fsid"]"]] } else { puts $chan [tr "" [td $imageh] [td [html_link "/series/$seriesfsid" $title]] [td [html_link "/showing/$showingfsid" $eptitle $attrs][desc_show $hovertext]] [td $day] [td "NOWRAP" $date] [td $stationname] $delete_td [td "[html_link "/asx/$fsid.asx" "$fsid"]"]] } } proc action_nowshowing {chan path env} { global db eval $env if {$::multi_delete} { set nstype 6 } else { set nstype 0 } puts $chan [html_start "Now Playing"] puts $chan " " # Sort support for non-v3.0 users sourced from LJ's folders module # http://www.ljay.org.uk/tivoweb/folders.itcl puts $chan "Sort by: " puts $chan "[html_link "/nowshowing/?sort=0" "classic"] " puts $chan "[html_link "/nowshowing/?sort=1" "expiry"] " puts $chan "[html_link "/nowshowing/?sort=2" "title"] " puts $chan "" if {$::version == 3} { RetryTransaction { set state [db $db open "/State/MyWorld"] if { [info exists sort] } { if { $sort > 0 } { dbobj $state set NowShowingSortOrder $sort } else { dbobj $state remove NowShowingSortOrder } } else { set sort [dbobj $state get NowShowingSortOrder] } } switch -exact -- $sort { 2 { set nowshowingdir "/Recording/NowShowingByTitle" } 1 { set nowshowingdir "/Recording/NowShowingByExpiration" } default { set nowshowingdir "/Recording/NowShowingByClassic" } } set sort 0 } elseif {$::version >= 4} { # This may also be valid for all versions >= 4 rather than just 6... RetryTransaction { set state [db $db open "/State/MyWorld"] if { [info exists sort] } { if { $sort > 1 } { dbobj $state set NowShowingSortOrder $sort } else { dbobj $state remove NowShowingSortOrder } } else { set sort [dbobj $state get NowShowingSortOrder] } } switch -exact -- $sort { 2 { set nowshowingdir "/Recording/NowShowingByFlatTitle" } default { set nowshowingdir "/Recording/NowShowingByClassic" } } if {$sort != 1} {set sort 0} } else { global nowshowingdir } if {![info exists sort]} {set sort 0} # ASSERT: If sort==0 then display rows directly from $nowshowingdir, # Otherwise sort the rows using the $sort order. set delete_th "" if {$nstype == 6} { puts $chan " " puts $chan [html_form_start "POST" "/confirmdelete/6/" "name=\"form\""] set delete_th "[th ""]" } if { $::tyshow_links } { set delete_th "$delete_th [th ""]" } puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""] puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th ""] [th "Program"] [th "Episode"] [th "COLSPAN=2" "Date"] [th "Chan"] $delete_th [th "FSID"]] set rcount 0 set shows "" ForeachMfsFileTrans fsid name type $nowshowingdir "" 15 { set rec [db $db openid $fsid] # 2: Title, 1: Expiration, 0: Classic switch -exact -- $sort { 2 { set showing [dbobj $rec get Showing] set program [dbobj $showing get Program] set sortkey [strim [dbobj $program get Title]] lappend shows [list $fsid $sortkey] } 1 { set showing [dbobj $rec get Showing] set expdate [dbobj $rec get ExpirationDate] set expsecs [expr $expdate * 86400 + [dbobj $rec get ExpirationTime]] set sortkey [expr {[string index $name 0] == "A" ? "B[expr abs($expsecs)]" : "A[expr abs($expsecs)]" }] lappend shows [list $fsid $sortkey] } 0 { if {$nstype == 6} { print_nowshowingrow $chan $rec $nstype $rcount incr rcount } else { print_nowshowingrow $chan $rec $nstype } } } } if { $sort > 0 } { # 2: Title, 1: Expiration, 0: Classic switch -exact -- $sort { 2 { set shows [lsort -ascii -index 1 $shows] } 1 { set shows [lsort -dictionary -index 1 $shows] } } set rcount 0 foreach show $shows { RetryTransaction { set fsid [lindex $show 0] set rec [db $db openid $fsid] if {$nstype == 6} { print_nowshowingrow $chan $rec $nstype $rcount incr rcount } else { print_nowshowingrow $chan $rec $nstype } } } } puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end] if {$nstype == 6} { puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "submit" "Delete Shows"] if {[info procs "action_merge"] == "action_merge"} { puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "submit" "Merge Shows"] } puts $chan [html_form_end] } puts $chan [html_end] } proc action_deletedshows {chan path env} { global db set first 1 puts $chan [html_start "Deleted Shows"] puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""] ForeachMfsFileTrans fsid name type "/Recording/Active" "1:" 15 { set rec [db $db openid $fsid] set state [dbobj $rec get State] set parts [dbobj $rec get Part] if { $state == 5 && $parts != "" } { if {$first} { set first 0 puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th ""] [th "Program"] [th "Episode"] [th "COLSPAN=2" "Date"] [th "Chan"] [th "FSID"]] } print_nowshowingrow $chan $rec "" } } puts $chan [html_table_end] if {$first} { puts $chan "No shows available for undelete" } else { puts $chan "To undelete a show click the icon next to its name" } puts $chan [html_end] } proc action_saveseasonpass {chan path env} { global db eval $env if { $action == "Delete" } { puts $chan [html_start "Delete Season Pass"] DeleteSeasonPass $objectid puts $chan "Deletion of Season Pass Successful
" } elseif { $action == "Save" } { puts $chan [html_start "Save Season Pass"] if {![info exists showtype]} { set showtype "" } UpdateSeasonPass $objectid $showtype [expr $startearly * 60] [expr $endlate * 60] $quality $kam $keepuntil if {$::version < 6} { event send $TmkEvent::EVT_DATA_CHANGED $TmkDataChanged::SEASON_PASS $objectid } puts $chan "Updated Season Pass Successfully
} elseif { $action == "Create" } {
puts $chan [html_start "Create Season Pass"]
if { $type == 1 } {
set spfsid [CreateSeasonPass $type $stationfsid $seriesfsid $quality [expr $startearly * 60] [expr $endlate * 60] $kam $showtype $keepuntil]
if {$::version < 6} {
event send $TmkEvent::EVT_DATA_CHANGED $TmkDataChanged::SEASON_PASS $spfsid
} else {
set spfsid 1
if {$spfsid != 0} {
puts $chan "Creation of Season Pass Successful"
puts $chan "
Episodes for this season pass may take some time to schedule.
} else {
puts $chan "ERROR - Creation of Season Pass FAILED"
puts $chan "
When using v6.3 a Season Pass needs to be created via the TiVo UI for the same channel, before one can be create via TWP.
puts $chan [html_link "/ui/wishlists" "View Wishlists"]
puts $chan "
puts $chan [html_link "/ui/seasonpass" "View Season Passes"]
puts $chan [html_end]
proc action_editseasonpass {chan objectid env} {
global db
global channeltablestation
global channeltablestation_alt
global errorCode
global errorInfo
if {[string index $objectid 0] == "/"} {
set objectid [string range $objectid 1 end]
set deleted 0
RetryTransaction {
set sp [db $db openid $objectid]
set indexpath [dbobj $sp get IndexPath]
if { [regexp {/Rubbish/} $indexpath dummy] == 1 } {
set deleted 1
set priority [dbobj $sp get Priority]
incr priority
set type [defaultval 1 [dbobj $sp get Type]]
if { $type == 1 } {
set series [dbobj $sp get Series]
set title [strim [dbobj $series get Title]]
if {$::version >= 3} {
set firstrun [defaultval 0 [dbobj $sp get ShowStatus]]
} else {
set firstrun [defaultval 0 [dbobj $sp get FirstRun]]
} elseif { $type == 2 } {
set dow [dbobj $sp get DayOfWeekLocal]
if { $dow == "0 1 2 3 4 5 6" } {
set dow 7
} elseif { $dow == "1 2 3 4 5" } {
set dow 8
set duration [dbobj $sp get Duration]
set starttimelocal [defaultval 0 [dbobj $sp get StartTimeLocal]]
set firstrun ""
} elseif { $type == 3 } {
set theme [dbobj $sp get Theme]
set title [strim [dbobj $theme get Name]]
if {$::version >= 3} {
set firstrun [defaultval 0 [dbobj $sp get ShowStatus]]
} else {
set firstrun [defaultval 0 [dbobj $sp get FirstRun]]
set starttime [defaultval 0 [dbobj $sp get StartTimePadding]]
set endtime [defaultval 0 [dbobj $sp get EndTimePadding]]
set endtime [expr $endtime / 60]
set starttime [expr $starttime / 60]
set channum ""
set callsign ""
if { $type != 3 } {
set station [dbobj $sp get Station]
set stationfsid [dbobj $station fsid]
if { [catch {set data $channeltablestation($stationfsid)}] != 1 || [catch {set data $channeltablestation_alt($stationfsid)}] != 1 } {
set channum [join [split [lindex $data 0] .] -]
set callsign [lindex $data 2]
set recquality [defaultval 100 [dbobj $sp get RecordQuality]]
set keepatmost [defaultval 0 [dbobj $sp get MaxRecordings]]
set keepuntil [defaultval 1 [dbobj $sp get KeepTime]]
puts $chan [html_start "Edit Season Pass"]
if {$deleted} {
puts $chan [h2 "Error: This season pass has been deleted"]
puts $chan [html_end]
set dowvals "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat {Daily} {M-F}"
if { $type == 1 } {
puts $chan [h1 "$title ($channum $callsign)"]
} elseif { $type == 2 } {
if {$::lang == "en"} {
puts $chan [h1 "[lindex $dowvals $dow] [clock format $starttimelocal -format "%H:%M"] - [clock format [expr $starttimelocal + $duration] -format "%H:%M"] ($channum $callsign)"]
} else {
puts $chan [h1 "[lindex $dowvals $dow] [clock format $starttimelocal -format "%1I:%M %p"] - [clock format [expr $starttimelocal + $duration] -format "%1I:%M %p"] ($channum $callsign)"]
} elseif { $type == 3 } {
puts $chan [h1 $title]
puts $chan [html_form_start "POST" "/saveseasonpass"]
puts $chan [html_table_start "" "" ""]
# puts $chan [tr "" [td "Priority"] [td $priority]]
print_recoptions $chan $type $recquality 0 $starttime $endtime $keepatmost $firstrun $keepuntil
puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end]
puts $chan "
" puts $chan [html_form_hidden "objectid" $objectid] puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "action" "Save"] puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "action" "Delete"] puts $chan [html_form_end] puts $chan "
" puts $chan [html_link "javascript:history.go(-1)" "Don't Change"] puts $chan [html_end] } proc action_getseasonpass {chan objectid env} { global db global channeltablestation global channeltablestation_alt global defrecquality if {[string index $objectid 0] == "/"} { set objectid [string range $objectid 1 end] } RetryTransaction { if { [regexp {([0-9]*)/(.*)} $objectid junk fsid subobjid] } { set showing [db $db openidconstruction $fsid $subobjid] } else { set showing [db $db openid $objectid] } set program [dbobj $showing get Program] set series [dbobj $program get Series] set seriesfsid [dbobj $series fsid] set title [strim [dbobj $series get Title]] set station [dbobj $showing get Station] set stationfsid [dbobj $station fsid] set channum "" if { [catch {set data $channeltablestation($stationfsid)}] != 1 || [catch {set data $channeltablestation_alt($stationfsid)}] != 1 } { set channum [join [split [lindex $data 0] .] -] set callsign [lindex $data 2] } } if { $channum == "" } { puts $chan [html_start "Create Season Pass"] puts $chan "Error: Could not find station" puts $chan [html_end] return } set type 1 puts $chan [html_start "Create Season Pass"] puts $chan [h1 "$title ($channum $callsign)"] puts $chan [html_form_start "POST" "/saveseasonpass"] puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""] # puts $chan [tr "" [td "Priority"] [td $priority]] print_recoptions $chan $type $defrecquality 0 0 0 5 0 1 puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end] puts $chan "
" puts $chan [html_form_hidden "objectid" $objectid] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "type" $type] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "seriesfsid" $seriesfsid] puts $chan [html_form_hidden "stationfsid" $stationfsid] puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "action" "Create"] puts $chan [html_form_end] puts $chan "
puts $chan [html_link "javascript:history.go(-1)" "Cancel"]
puts $chan [html_end]
proc action_reprioritize {chan path env} {
global db
global seasonpassdir
set spcount 0
eval $env
if {$spcount == 0} {
action_seasonpass $chan "reprioritize" ""
set rlist [info vars "fsid_*"]
foreach sp $rlist {
lappend spitems [concat [lrange [split $sp "_"] 1 2] [expr \$$sp]]
set clist [list]
set nlist [list]
set vlist [list]
foreach item [lsort -integer -index 1 $spitems] {
set spfsid [lindex $item 0]
set oldprio [lindex $item 1]
set newprio [lindex $item 2]
if {$newprio != $oldprio} {
lappend clist $spfsid
lappend nlist $newprio
lappend vlist $oldprio
set errors [list]
set priority 0
ForeachMfsFile fsid name type $seasonpassdir "" {
incr priority
set index [lsearch $clist $fsid]
if {$index != -1} {
set oldprio [lindex $vlist $index]
if {$oldprio != $priority} {
lappend errors "Old Form Data, Please Refresh"
foreach newprio $nlist {
set index [lsearch $vlist $newprio]
if {$index == -1} {
lappend errors "Priority $newprio already taken"
} else {
set vlist [lreplace $vlist $index $index]
if {[llength $vlist] != 0} {
lappend errors "Unused Priorities '$vlist'"
#RetryTransaction {
# foreach spfsid $clist prio $nlist {
# set sp [db $db openid $spfsid]
# puts $chan "dbobj $sp set Priority [expr $prio - 1]
# dbobj $sp set Priority [expr $prio - 1]
# }
# MOD: Replace the above code with something that does not
# barf with "commit failed (0x00030019)" errors when
# large transactions are attempted.
while {[llength $clist] > 0} {
set idx -1
RetryTransaction {
foreach spfsid $clist prio $nlist {
set sp [db $db openid $spfsid]
dbobj $sp set Priority [expr $prio - 1]
incr idx
if {$idx >=15} {break}
set clist [lreplace $clist 0 $idx]
set nlist [lreplace $nlist 0 $idx]
if {$errors != ""} {
puts $chan [html_start "Season Passes"]
puts $chan "The following errors were encountered:
foreach error $errors {
puts $chan "$error
puts $chan [html_end]
} else {
action_seasonpass $chan "reprioritize" ""
proc action_seasonpass {chan path env} {
global db
global images
global seasonpassdir
global channeltablestation
global channeltablestation_alt
if {$path == "reprioritize"} {
set reprio 1
} else {
set reprio 0
puts $chan [html_start "Season Passes"]
if {$reprio} {
set priolist [list]
RetryTransaction {
set spcount [mfs scancount $seasonpassdir]
for {set i 1} {$i <= $spcount} {incr i} {
lappend priolist $i
puts $chan "
puts $chan [html_form_start "POST" "/reprioritize" "name=\"form\""]
puts $chan [html_form_hidden "spcount" $spcount]
puts $chan [html_table_start "" "" ""]
puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th ""] [th "Pri"] [th "Title"] [th "Chan"] [th "KAM"] [th "Show Type"]]
set priority 0
set lastrprio -1
set error 0
ForeachMfsFileTrans fsid name type $seasonpassdir "" 20 {
set sp [db $db openid $fsid]
set type [defaultval 1 [dbobj $sp get Type]]
set rprio [lindex [split $name "~"] 0]
regsub {^0+(.+)} $rprio {\1} rprio
if {$rprio < 0 || ($lastrprio >= 0 && $lastrprio == $rprio)} {
set error 1
set lastrprio $rprio
incr priority
set rowstr ""
if { $type == 1 } {
set series [dbobj $sp get Series]
set imagef [lindex $images 11]
set spfsid [dbobj $sp fsid]
append rowstr [td [html_link "/editseasonpass/$spfsid" [img "alt=\"edit\"" $imagef]]]
if {$reprio} {
append rowstr [td [html_form_select "fsid_${fsid}_${priority}" $priolist $priolist $priority "onChange=\"ReorderPrio(this)\""]]
} else {
append rowstr [td $priority]
set seriesfsid [dbobj $series fsid]
set title [strim [dbobj $series get Title]]
append rowstr [td [html_link "/series/$seriesfsid" $title]]
set station [dbobj $sp get Station]
set stationfsid [dbobj $station fsid]
if { [catch {set data $channeltablestation($stationfsid)}] != 1 || [catch {set data $channeltablestation_alt($stationfsid)}] != 1 } {
set callsign [lindex $data 2]
} else {
set callsign [dbobj $station get CallSign]
append rowstr [td [html_link "/channel/$stationfsid" $callsign]]
} elseif { $type == 2 } {
set station [dbobj $sp get Station]
set stationfsid [dbobj $station fsid]
set starttimelocal [defaultval 0 [dbobj $sp get StartTimeLocal]]
set starttime [expr $starttimelocal - [get_tzoffset $starttimelocal]]
set dowlocal [dbobj $sp get DayOfWeekLocal]
if { [llength $dowlocal] > 1 } {
set rectime ""
foreach dowl $dowlocal {
set tmprectime [get_nextmanualrectime $dowl $starttime]
if { $rectime == "" || $tmprectime < $rectime } {
set rectime $tmprectime
} else {
set rectime [get_nextmanualrectime $dowlocal $starttime]
set datestr [expr $rectime / 86400]
set schedlist [get_fsidbyprefix "/Schedule" "$stationfsid:$datestr:"]
if { [scan [lindex $schedlist 1] "%d:%d:%d:%d:" dummy dummy2 starttimesched duration] == 4 } {
regsub {^0+([1-9])} $starttimesched {\1} starttimesched
regsub {^0+([1-9])} $duration {\1} duration
if {$starttimesched > $starttime} {
set datestr [expr ($rectime / 86400) - 1]
set schedlist [get_fsidbyprefix "/Schedule" "$stationfsid:$datestr:"]
if { [scan [lindex $schedlist 1] "%d:%d:%d:%d:" dummy dummy2 starttimesched duration] != 4 } {
error "Invalid /Schedule format: [lindex $schedlist 1]"
regsub {^0+([1-9])} $starttimesched {\1} starttimesched
regsub {^0+([1-9])} $duration {\1} duration
if { $::dtivo } {
if {$starttimesched + $duration <= $starttime} {
set stoptimestr [format "%05d" [expr $starttimesched + $duration]]
set schedlist [get_fsidbyprefix "/Schedule" "$stationfsid:$datestr:$stoptimestr:"]
} else {
#error "Invalid /Schedule format: [lindex $schedlist 1]"
if { [catch {set data $channeltablestation($stationfsid)}] != 1 || [catch {set data $channeltablestation_alt($stationfsid)}] != 1 } {
set callsign [lindex $data 2]
} else {
set callsign [dbobj $station get CallSign]
set imagef [lindex $images 11]
set spfsid [dbobj $sp fsid]
append rowstr [td [html_link "/editseasonpass/$spfsid" [img "alt=\"edit\"" $imagef]]]
if {$reprio} {
append rowstr [td [html_form_select "fsid_${fsid}_${priority}" $priolist $priolist $priority "onChange=\"ReorderPrio(this)\""]]
} else {
append rowstr [td $priority]
if { $schedlist != "" } {
set stationday [db $db openid [lindex $schedlist 0]]
set showings [dbobj $stationday get Showing]
set mshowing ""
foreach showing $showings {
set stime [dbobj $showing get Time]
set sdur [dbobj $showing get Duration]
if { $stime <= $starttime && $starttime < [expr $stime + $sdur] } {
set mshowing $showing
if { $mshowing != "" } {
set program [dbobj $mshowing get Program]
set series [dbobj $program get Series]
set seriesfsid [dbobj $series fsid]
set title [strim [dbobj $series get Title]]
set title [html_link "/series/$seriesfsid" $title]
append rowstr [td "Manual: $title"]
} else {
append rowstr [td "Manual Recording"]
# puts "Error finding manual recording"
} else {
append rowstr [td "Manual Recording"]
# puts "Error finding manual recording"
append rowstr [td [html_link "/channel/$stationfsid" $callsign]]
} elseif { $type == 3 } {
set theme [dbobj $sp get Theme]
set imagef [lindex $images 13]
set spfsid [dbobj $sp fsid]
append rowstr [td [html_link "/editseasonpass/$spfsid" [img "alt=\"edit\"" $imagef]]]
if {$reprio} {
append rowstr [td [html_form_select "fsid_${fsid}_${priority}" $priolist $priolist $priority "onChange=\"ReorderPrio(this)\""]]
} else {
append rowstr [td $priority]
set themefsid [dbobj $theme fsid]
set title [strim [dbobj $theme get Name]]
# append rowstr [td [html_link "/theme/$themefsid" $title]] [td ""]
append rowstr [td $title] [td ""]
set kam [defaultval 0 [dbobj $sp get MaxRecordings]]
if {$kam == 0} {
set kam "All"
if {$::version3} {
set showstatus [dbobj $sp get ShowStatus]
} else {
set showstatus [dbobj $sp get FirstRun]
if {$showstatus == 1} {
set showtype "First Run"
} elseif {$showstatus == 2} {
set showtype "All"
} else {
set showtype "Repeats & FR"
append rowstr [td $kam] [td $showtype]
puts $chan [tr "" $rowstr]
puts $chan [html_table_end]
if {$reprio} {
puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "RePrioritize" "RePrioritize"]
puts $chan [html_form_input "reset" "Reset" "Reset"]
puts $chan [html_form_end]
} else {
puts $chan [html_table_start "" "" ""]
puts $chan [tr "" [th "Actions"]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/reprioritize" "RePrioritize"]]]
puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end]
puts $chan "To edit a season pass click the icon next to its name"
if {$error} {
puts $chan "
Error: your season pass priority list is corrupted, reorganizing them may help"
puts $chan [html_end]
proc action_wishlists {chan path env} {
global db
global images
if {[string index $path 0] == "/"} {
set path [string range $path 1 end]
if { $path == "" } {
set themetypes "Keyword Actor Director Advanced Category Title"
set imagef [lindex $images 13]
set imageg [lindex $images 3]
puts $chan [html_start "WishLists"]
puts $chan [html_table_start "" "" ""]
puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th ""] [th "Title"] [th "Type"] [th ""]]
ForeachMfsFileTrans fsid name type "/Theme" "" 20 {
set theme [db $db openid $fsid]
set type [defaultval 1 [dbobj $theme get ThemeType]]
# fetch a user comprehensible name
set title [strim [dbobj $theme get Name]]
# the following seeks the first ampersand as the dividing point between
# the category and subcategory. The failes when the category is "Audio & Video"
#set ampindex [string first "&" $title]
#if {$ampindex != -1} {
# set query [string range $title [expr $ampindex + 2] end]
#} else {
# set query $title
set query ""
switch -exact $type {
1 { set query [strim [dbobj $theme get KeywordPhrase]]
2 { set query [strim [dbobj $theme get Actor]]
3 { set query [strim [dbobj $theme get Director]]
6 { set query [strim [dbobj $theme get KeywordPhrase]]
5 { set query ""
set genre [dbobj $theme get GenreFilterPath]
set cat [defaultval 0 [lindex $genre 0]]
set scat [defaultval 0 [lindex $genre 1]]
set query [string toupper [httpMapReply $query]]
set url "/search?searchby="
set sp [dbobj $theme get SeasonPass]
switch -exact $type {
1 {append url "3&q=$query&" }
2 {if { [string range $query [expr [string length $query] - 3] end] == "%09" } {
append url "4&q=$query&"
} else {
append url "4&q=$query%09&"
3 {append url "5&q=$query&" }
6 {append url "1&q=$query&" }
5 {append url "0&q=&" }
append url "cat=$cat&scat=$scat"
if {$type == 4} {
# (Sorry, no link for Advanced wishlists! ;)
set title1 $title
} else {
set title1 [html_link $url $title]
set imagestr ""
if { $sp != "" } {
set spfsid [dbobj $sp fsid]
set imagestr [html_link "/editseasonpass/$spfsid" [img "alt=\"Edit Season Pass\"" $imagef]]
} else {
set imagestr [html_link "/add-theme-sp?id=$fsid" [img "alt=\"Click to convert to an auto-recording WishList\"" $imageg]]
set themestr [lindex $themetypes [expr $type - 1]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td $imagestr] [td $title1] [td $themestr] [td [html_link "/delete-wishlist?id=$fsid" "Delete"]]]
puts $chan [html_table_end]
puts $chan "To edit the Season Pass for an auto-recording WishList click on the star icon next to its name.
To make a WishList auto-record click the yellow dot next to its name."
puts $chan "
" puts $chan [html_link "/showwishlists" "Show All WishList Matches"] puts $chan "
puts $chan [html_end]
proc action_preferences {chan path env} {
global db
global genrenums
global genrevals
if {[string index $path 0] == "/"} {
set path [string range $path 1 end]
set firstslash [string first "/" $path]
set prefix ""
if { $firstslash != -1 } {
set preftype [string range $path 0 [expr $firstslash - 1]]
set prefix [string range $path [expr $firstslash + 1] end]
} else {
set preftype $path
puts $chan [html_start "Preferences"]
if { $preftype == "" } {
puts $chan [html_table_start "" "" "ALIGN=TOP"]
puts $chan [tr "" [th "" "Preferences"]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/preferences/14" "Genre"]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/preferences/15" "Series"]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/preferences/17" "Actor"]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/preferences/19" "Director"]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/preferences/22" "Writer"]]]
puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end]
} elseif { $preftype == 14 } {
# redo sort?
set newgenrelist ""
foreach genrenum $genrenums genreval $genrevals {
lappend newgenrelist [list $genrenum $genreval]
set newgenrelist2 [lsort -index 1 $newgenrelist]
puts $chan [h1 "Genres"]
puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""]
puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th "Genre"] [th "Thumbs"] [th "Type"] [th "Confidence"]]
RetryTransaction {
foreach genrel $newgenrelist2 {
set genrenum [lindex $genrel 0]
set genrestr [strim [lindex $genrel 1]]
set path "/Preference/a/$preftype/$genrenum"
if { [catch {set pref [db $db open $path]}] } {
set thumbs [dbobj $pref get Thumbsness]
set vector [dbobj $pref get Vector]
set thtype ""
set numthumbs ""
set confidence ""
if { $thumbs != "" } {
set thumbslist [ReadableThumbs $thumbs]
if { [llength $thumbslist] == 3 } {
set thtype [lindex $thumbslist 0]
if { $thtype == "Void" } {
set thtype ""
} else {
set numthumbs [lindex $thumbslist 1]
set confidence [lindex $thumbslist 2]
if { $numthumbs == "" } {
set numthumbs [decode_vector $vector]
set thtype "Implied"
puts $chan [tr "" [td $genrestr] [td $numthumbs] [td $thtype] [td $confidence]]
puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end]
} elseif { $preftype == 15 } {
set programlist ""
ForeachMfsFileTrans fsid name type "/Preference/a/$preftype" "" 25 {
set orphan 0
set pref [db $db openid $fsid]
set item [dbobj $pref get Item]
set thumbs [dbobj $pref get Thumbsness]
set vector [dbobj $pref get Vector]
set seriesfsid ""
if { $item != "" } {
set title [strim [dbobj $item get Title]]
set seriesfsid [dbobj $item fsid]
} else {
set title [strim [dbobj $pref get StringKeyValue]]
if { [regexp {^[0-9]+$} $title dummy] == 1 } {
if { [catch {set series [db $db open "/Server/$title"]}] } {
set orphan 1
} else {
set title [strim [dbobj $series get Title]]
set seriesfsid [dbobj $series fsid]
} else {
regsub {^(.*), (A|The)$} $title {\2 \1} title
if { $seriesfsid != "" } {
set program [html_link "/series/$seriesfsid" $title]
} else {
set program $title
regsub {^(A |The )} $title "" sortstr
set thtype ""
set numthumbs ""
set confidence ""
if { $thumbs != "" } {
set thumbslist [ReadableThumbs $thumbs]
if { [llength $thumbslist] == 3 } {
set thtype [lindex $thumbslist 0]
if { $thtype == "Void" } {
set thtype ""
} else {
set numthumbs [lindex $thumbslist 1]
set confidence [lindex $thumbslist 2]
if { $numthumbs == "" } {
set numthumbs [decode_vector $vector]
set thtype "Implied"
if {!$orphan} {
lappend programlist [list $sortstr $program $numthumbs $thtype $confidence]
set programlist2 [lsort -index 0 $programlist]
puts $chan [h1 "Series"]
puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""]
puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th "Series"] [th "Thumbs"] [th "Type"] [th "Confidence"]]
foreach programl $programlist2 {
puts $chan [tr "" [td [lindex $programl 1]] [td [lindex $programl 2]] [td [lindex $programl 3]] [td [lindex $programl 4]]]
puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end]
} elseif { $preftype == 16 } {
puts $chan [h1 "Programs"]
puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""]
puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th "Program"] [th "Thumbs"] [th "Type"] [th "Confidence"]]
ForeachMfsFileTrans fsid name type "/Preference/a/$preftype" "" 25 {
set pref [db $db openid $fsid]
set item [dbobj $pref get Item]
set thumbs [dbobj $pref get Thumbsness]
set vector [dbobj $pref get Vector]
set seriesfsid ""
if { $item == "" } {
set intkey [dbobj $pref get IntKeyValue]
if { [catch {set item [db $db open "/Server/$intkey"]}] } {
# continue
if { $item != "" } {
set title [strim [dbobj $item get Title]]
set series [dbobj $item get Series]
if { $series != "" } {
set seriesfsid [dbobj $series fsid]
if { $title == "" } {
set title [strim [dbobj $pref get StringKeyValue]]
if { $seriesfsid != "" } {
set program [html_link "/series/$seriesfsid" $title]
} else {
set program $title
set thtype ""
set numthumbs ""
set confidence ""
if { $thumbs != "" } {
set thumbslist [ReadableThumbs $thumbs]
if { [llength $thumbslist] == 3 } {
set thtype [lindex $thumbslist 0]
if { $thtype == "Void" } {
set thtype ""
} else {
set numthumbs [lindex $thumbslist 1]
set confidence [lindex $thumbslist 2]
if { $numthumbs == "" } {
set numthumbs [decode_vector $vector]
set thtype "Implied"
puts $chan [tr "" [td $program] [td $numthumbs] [td $thtype] [td $confidence]]
puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end]
} elseif { $preftype == 17 || $preftype == 19 || $preftype == 22 } {
if { $preftype == 17 } {
set preftypestr "Actor"
set role 8
} elseif { $preftype == 19 } {
set preftypestr "Director"
set role 9
} else {
set preftypestr "Writer"
set role 12
set preftypestr2 $preftypestr
append preftypestr2 "s"
set breakbyletter 0
if { [catch { RetryTransaction { set dirsize [mfs scancount "/Preference/a/$preftype"]}}] } {
} else {
if { $dirsize > 120 } {
set breakbyletter 1
if { $prefix == "" && $breakbyletter == 1 } {
puts $chan [h1 $preftypestr2]
puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""]
puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th $preftypestr]]
for {set i 0} {$i < 26} {incr i} {
set letter [string index $alphabet $i]
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/preferences/$preftype/$letter" $letter]]]
puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end]
} else {
puts $chan [h1 $preftypestr2]
puts $chan [html_table_start "width=98%" "" ""]
puts $chan [tr "ALIGN=CENTER" [th $preftypestr] [th "Thumbs"] [th "Type"] [th "Confidence"]]
ForeachMfsFileTrans fsid name type "/Preference/a/$preftype" $prefix 25 {
set orphan 0
set pref [db $db openid $fsid]
set thumbs [dbobj $pref get Thumbsness]
set vector [dbobj $pref get Vector]
set person ""
if { [catch {set person [db $db open "/Person/$role/$name"]}] } {
set orphan 1
set namestr ""
if { $person != "" } {
#set pname [strim [dbobj $person get Name]]
# regsub {^(.*)\|(.*)$} $pname {\1, \2} namestr
set pname [dbobj $person get Name]
if { $preftype == 17} {
set namestr [PrintNames $pname 1]
} elseif { $preftype == 19 } {
set namestr [PrintNames $pname 2]
} else {
set namestr [PrintNames $pname]
set thtype ""
set numthumbs ""
set confidence ""
if { $thumbs != "" } {
set thumbslist [ReadableThumbs $thumbs]
if { [llength $thumbslist] == 3 } {
set thtype [lindex $thumbslist 0]
if { $thtype == "Void" } {
set thtype ""
} else {
set numthumbs [lindex $thumbslist 1]
set confidence [lindex $thumbslist 2]
if { $numthumbs == "" } {
set numthumbs [decode_vector $vector]
set thtype "Implied"
if {!$orphan} {
puts $chan [tr "" [td $namestr] [td $numthumbs] [td $thtype] [td $confidence]]
puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end]
if { $breakbyletter == 1 } {
if { $prefix != "A" } {
set index [string first $prefix $alphabet]
set prevletter [string index $alphabet [expr $index - 1]]
puts $chan [html_link "/preferences/$preftype/$prevletter" "<< $prevletter"]
if { $prefix != "Z" } {
set index [string first $prefix $alphabet]
set nextletter [string index $alphabet [expr $index + 1]]
puts $chan [html_link "/preferences/$preftype/$nextletter" "$nextletter >>"]
puts $chan [html_end]
# Copyright (c) 2002 Aaron Schrab You will be taken back shortly, or you can "
puts $chan [html_link "/history/list/$backPath" "go back yourself"]
puts $chan "."
puts $chan [html_end]
} else {
puts $chan [html_start "Filtering"]
puts $chan ""
puts $chan ""
puts $chan ""
puts $chan ""
puts $chan [html_form_start "POST" "/editfilter"]
puts $chan [html_table_start "" "Edit Filter Settings" "COLSPAN=2"]
puts $chan [tr "" [th "Reason"] [th "Hide"]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td "Cancelled recording"] [td "ALIGN=CENTER" [html_form_checkbox "24" [checked 24]]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td "Cancelled season pass"] [td "ALIGN=CENTER" [html_form_checkbox "16" [checked 16]]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td "Conflict, Resolved"] [td "ALIGN=CENTER" [html_form_checkbox "alt" [checked alt]]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td "Conflict, Unresolved"] [td "ALIGN=CENTER" [html_form_checkbox "con" [checked con]]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td "Deleted"] [td "ALIGN=CENTER" [html_form_checkbox "12" [checked 12]]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td "Duplicate"] [td "ALIGN=CENTER" [html_form_checkbox "2" [checked 2]]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td "MaxRecordingsExceeded"] [td "ALIGN=CENTER" [html_form_checkbox "29" [checked 29]]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td "MaxShowingsNowPlaying"] [td "ALIGN=CENTER" [html_form_checkbox "33" [checked 33]]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td "No longer in program guide"] [td "ALIGN=CENTER" [html_form_checkbox "14" [checked 14]]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td "Not enough space"] [td "ALIGN=CENTER" [html_form_checkbox "23" [checked 23]]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td "Power Was Off"] [td "ALIGN=CENTER" [html_form_checkbox "5" [checked 5]]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td "Season pass modified"] [td "ALIGN=CENTER" [html_form_checkbox "25" [checked 25]]]]
puts $chan [html_table_end]
puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "submit" "Apply Now"]
puts $chan [html_link "javascript:history.go(-1)" "Cancel"]
puts $chan " To filter out a class of entries in the Recording History, place a checkmark in the appropriate box above, and click \"Apply Now\"."
if {$backPath != ""} {
puts $chan [html_form_hidden backPath $backPath]
puts $chan [html_form_end]
puts $chan "The current filter is: Filter = "
puts $chan $filter
puts $chan [html_end]
proc checked {reason} {
# By Lenroc for TWP filtering of Recording History
# A utility proc used by action_filter
# Returns "yes" if the $reason passed in is currently in the filter
# which means that it should be checked when displaying the filter GUI
# Needed because the html_form_checkbox proc in html.itcl doesn't accept a boolean
# value for it's checked parameter, rather it checks the new checkbox if any parameter is passed in.
global filter
set checked ""
if { [string last ",$reason," $filter] != -1 } {
set checked "yes"
if { [string compare "con" $reason] == 0 } {
if { [string last ",10," $filter] != -1 || [string last ",20," $filter] != -1 } {
set checked "yes"
return $checked
proc action_editfilter {chan path env} {
# By Lenroc for TWP filtering of Recording History
# A utility proc used by action_filter. This is where the user is sent
# after clicking "Apply". This takes the form data submitted by
# action_filter, parses it, and sets the current $filter to the one
# selected by the user.
# Contains a Meta-Redirect to send the user back quickly after applying
# the filter, only if they were originally browsing the Recording History
# when they clicked "Edit Filter". If they were editing the filter from
# the "User Interface" > "Recording History" > "View/Edit Filter", then
# it will show them the new filter but not go back automatically.
global filter
set backPath ""
eval $env
regsub -all -- "\" \"on\"\;set \"" $env "," newFilter
regsub "set \"backPath\" .*\;" $newFilter "" newFilter
regsub "submit\" \"Apply Now\"\;" $newFilter "" newFilter
regsub "set \"" $newFilter "," newFilter
regsub ",con," $newFilter ",10,20," newFilter
puts $chan [html_start "Filter Setting Changed"]
if { $newFilter == "," } {
set filter ""
} else {
set filter $newFilter
updateconfig "Filter" $filter
if { $backPath != "" } {
puts $chan ""
puts $chan "Your new filter has been applied. You will be taken back shortly, or you can "
puts $chan [html_link "/history/list/$backPath" "go back now"]
} else {
puts $chan "Your new Filter has been Applied. "
puts $chan [html_link "/history" "Done"]
puts $chan [html_end]
proc action_ui {chan path env} {
global db
global ui_submenu
if {[string index $path 0] == "/"} {
set path [string range $path 1 end]
if {$path == ""} {
puts $chan [html_start "User Interface" $ui_submenu]
puts $chan [html_table_start "" "" "ALIGN=TOP"]
puts $chan [tr "" [th "" "User Interface"]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/ui/seasonpass" "Season Pass"]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/nowshowing" "Now Playing"]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/ui/todo" "ToDo"]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/ui/suggestions" "Scheduled Suggestions"]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/ui/pending" "Suggestions"]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/ui/deletedshows" "Deleted Shows"]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/ui/preferences" "Preferences"]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/ui/channellist" "Channel Guide"]]]
#puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/ui/space" "Space Usage"]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/ui/wishlists" "WishLists"]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link "/history" "Recording History"]]]
puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end]
puts $chan [html_end]
} elseif {$path == "todo"} {
if {$::multi_delete} {
action_todo $chan 7 $env
} else {
action_todo $chan 0 $env
} elseif {$path == "suggestions"} {
if {$::multi_delete} {
action_todo $chan 8 $env
} else {
action_todo $chan 1 $env
} elseif {$path == "pending"} {
action_todo $chan 2 $env
} elseif {$path == "seasonpass"} {
action_seasonpass $chan "" $env
} elseif {$path == "channellist"} {
action_channellist $chan "" $env
} elseif {$path == "preferences"} {
action_preferences $chan "" $env
#} elseif {$path == "space"} {
# action_space $chan "" $env
} elseif {$path == "deletedshows"} {
action_deletedshows $chan "" $env
} elseif {$path == "wishlists"} {
action_wishlists $chan "" $env
proc GetDTivoGenres { } {
global db
set keys ""
RetryTransaction {
set apgboot [db $db open /ApgBoot]
set categorysystem [dbobj $apgboot get RootCategorySystem]
set labels [dbobj $categorysystem get Labels]
foreach clabel $labels {
set index [dbobj $clabel get Index]
#set fcoreset [dbobj $clabel get FCoreSet]
if {$index != 0 && [lsearch $keys $index] == -1} {
set vlabel [strim [dbobj $clabel get Label]]
lappend keys $index
lappend vals $vlabel
set subcat [dbobj $clabel get Subcategory]
if {$subcat != ""} {
set labels2 [dbobj $subcat get Labels]
foreach clabel2 $labels2 {
set index [dbobj $clabel2 get Index]
#set fcoreset [dbobj $clabel2 get FCoreSet]
if {$index != 0 && [lsearch $keys $index] == -1} {
set vlabel [strim [dbobj $clabel2 get Label]]
lappend keys $index
lappend vals $vlabel
return [list $keys $vals]
proc GetSAGenres { } {
global db
set keys ""
set vals ""
if {[MfsFileExists /DataSet/GenreVersion]} {
RetryTransaction {
set dataset [db $db open /DataSet/GenreVersion]
set genres [dbobj $dataset gettarget Data]
set incrsize 50
foreach genrefsid $genres {
regsub {/-1$} $genrefsid {} fsid
set done 0
set idx 0
while {!$done} {
RetryTransaction {
set genre [db $db openid $fsid]
set subgenres [dbobj $genre gettarget Child]
set numsubs [llength $subgenres]
if {$subgenres != ""} {
set maxcount [expr ($numsubs > $idx + $incrsize) ? ($idx + $incrsize) : $numsubs]
for {set i $idx} {$i < $maxcount} {incr i} {
set subgenre [dbobj $genre get Child $i]
set index [dbobj $subgenre get Value]
if {$index != 0 && [lsearch $keys $index] == -1} {
set vlabel [strim [dbobj $subgenre get Name]]
lappend keys $index
lappend vals $vlabel
if {$numsubs == $maxcount} {
set done 1
} else {
incr idx $incrsize
} else {
set done 1
return [list $keys $vals]
proc GetResourceData { refid startid endid startindex bits } {
global db
set keys ""
set vals ""
RetryTransaction {
set sws [db $db open /SwSystem/ACTIVE]
set offset [expr $refid/65536 - 1]
set resource [dbobj $sws get ResourceGroup $offset]
set id [dbobj $resource get Id]
if { $id == $refid } {
set items [dbobj $resource get Item]
foreach item $items {
set id [dbobj $item get Id]
if { $id >= $startid && $id <= $endid } {
if { $bits == 1 } {
set value [expr 1 << ($id - $startid + $startindex)]
} else {
set value [expr $id - $startid + $startindex]
set strval [strim [dbobj $item get String]]
if { $strval != "" } {
lappend keys $value
lappend vals $strval
} else {
error "Error: refid didn't match"
return [list $keys $vals]
proc GenerateCategorySubCategoryJS { } {
global source_dir
global genrenums genrevals
set categoriesIndex -1
set subcategoriesIndex 0
set categoriesStr ""
set subCategoriesStr ""
set groupStr ""
set groupCatStr ""
set firstGroupCatStr ""
set currentCategoryNum 0
foreach genrenum $genrenums genreval $genrevals {
if {$genrenum < 32} {
# we have found a new category
incr categoriesIndex
if {$groupStr != ""} {
# insert the movie set of indexes into the theme array
if {$currentCategoryNum == 9 && $groupCatStr == ""} {
set groupCatStr $firstGroupCatStr
# (
append groupStr "$groupCatStr\)\n"
if {$firstGroupCatStr == ""} {
# we need to save the movie set of indexes since Themes use the same subcategories
set firstGroupCatStr $groupCatStr
set groupCatStr ""
append categoriesStr "categories\[$categoriesIndex\] = \"[strim $genreval]\"\n"
append categoriesStr "categoriesval\[$categoriesIndex\] = \"$genrenum\"\n"
append groupStr "group\[[expr $categoriesIndex + 1]\] = new Array\("
# )
set currentCategoryNum $genrenum
} else {
incr subcategoriesIndex
append subCategoriesStr "subcategories\[$subcategoriesIndex\] = \"[strim $genreval]\"\n"
append subCategoriesStr "subcategoriesval\[$subcategoriesIndex\] = \"$genrenum\"\n"
if {$groupCatStr == ""} {
append groupCatStr $subcategoriesIndex
} else {
append groupCatStr ", $subcategoriesIndex"
incr categoriesIndex
# (
append groupStr "$groupCatStr\)\n"
set groupStr "var group = new Array\([expr $categoriesIndex + 1]\)\ngroup\[0\] = new Array\(\)\n$groupStr\n"
set categoriesStr "var categories = new Array\($categoriesIndex\)\nvar categoriesval = new Array\($categoriesIndex\)\n$categoriesStr\n"
incr subcategoriesIndex
set subCategoriesStr "var subcategories = new Array\($subcategoriesIndex\)\nvar subcategoriesval = new Array\($subcategoriesIndex\)\n$subCategoriesStr\n"
set genericGenreFile "$source_dir/scripts/genericgenre.js"
append jsString "function loadgenre(x, y) \{\n"
append jsString " var cat = document.search.cat\n"
append jsString " var scat = document.search.scat\n"
append jsString " var m,i\n"
append jsString "\n"
append jsString " for (m = cat.options.length - 1; m > 0; m--)\n"
append jsString " cat.options\[m\] = null\n"
append jsString " cat.options\[0\] = new Option(\"All\", 0)\n"
append jsString " for (i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) \{\n"
append jsString " cat.options\[i+1\] = new Option(categories\[i\], categoriesval\[i\])\n"
append jsString " if (categoriesval\[i\] == x) \{\n"
append jsString " cat.options\[i+1\].selected = true\n"
append jsString " loadscat(i + 1)\n"
append jsString " \}\n"
append jsString " \}\n"
append jsString " if (x == 0) \{\n"
append jsString " cat.options\[0\].selected = true\n"
append jsString " \} else \{\n"
append jsString " for (m = scat.options.length - 1; m > 0; m--) \{\n"
append jsString " if (scat.options\[m\].value == y)\n"
append jsString " scat.options\[m\].selected = true\n"
append jsString " \}\n"
append jsString " \}\n"
append jsString "\n"
append jsString "\}\n"
append jsString "\n"
append jsString "function loadscat(x) \{\n"
append jsString " var scat = document.search.scat\n"
append jsString " var m,i\n"
append jsString " var y = scat.value\n"
append jsString "\n"
append jsString " for (m = scat.options.length - 1; m > 0; m--)\n"
append jsString " scat.options\[m\] = null\n"
append jsString " scat.options\[0\] = new Option(\"Don't specify a sub-category\", 0)\n"
append jsString " scat.options\[0\].selected = true\n"
append jsString " for (i = 0; i < group\[x\].length; i++) \{\n"
append jsString " scat.options\[i+1\] = new Option(subcategories\[group\[x\]\[i\]\], subcategoriesval\[group\[x\]\[i\]\])\n"
append jsString " if (scat.options\[i+1\].value == y) \{\n"
append jsString " scat.options\[i+1\].selected = true\n"
append jsString " \}\n"
append jsString " \}\n"
append jsString "\}\n"
append jsString "\n"
catch {
set writefile [open $genericGenreFile w]
puts $writefile $categoriesStr
puts $writefile $subCategoriesStr
puts $writefile $groupStr
puts $writefile $jsString
close $writefile
global ui_submenu
set ui_submenu ""
#set ui_submenu "[html_link "/ui/seasonpass" "Season Pass"] [html_link "/ui/nowshowing" "Now Showing"] [html_link "/ui/todo" "ToDo"] [html_link "/ui/suggestions" "Scheduled Suggestions"] [html_link "/ui/pending" "Suggestions"] [html_link "/ui/preferences" "Preferences"] [html_link "/ui/channellist" "Channel Guide"] [html_link "/ui/wishlists" "WishLists"]"
if { $reload == 0 } {
register_module "ui" "User Interface" "A Web-based Clone of the TiVo UI, with Filtering"