# Conflict resolution between two networked TiVos using using a modified version of
# Christopher R. Wingert's manrec.itcl on the other TiVo
# Version 0.1
# Chris Gunn, 2004
# Adapted from Stuart Anderton's confres.itcl
# Big chunks 'repurposed' from various TiVoWeb modules
# 27/04/2006 - v0.2 [Patch] - Remembers the last remote tivo
# Displays correctly under Firefox
# Starting procedure, gets address of remote TiVo
proc action_confresManual {chan path env} {
global source_dir
set todotypelabels "Conflicts {Adjacent Different Channels}"
set todotypevals "History Active"
set todotype "History"
set remote_tivo "tivo1"
# Load any settings found in the configuration file
if {[file exists $source_dir/modules/confresManual.cfg]} {
catch {source $source_dir/modules/confresManual.cfg}
puts $chan [html_start "Conflict Resolver"]
puts $chan "Attempt to schedule conflicts on a second TiVo"
puts $chan [html_form_start "GET" "/findconfsManual"]
puts $chan [html_table_start "" "" ""]
puts $chan [tr "" [td "Remote TiVo to find recording space on: "] [td [html_form_text 1 35 "tivoname" "$remote_tivo"]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td "Number of days ahead to look: "] [td [html_form_text 1 35 "daysahead" "7"]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td "ToDo type to schedule"] [td [html_form_select "todotype" $todotypevals $todotypelabels $todotype]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td "Show resolved conflicts"] [td [html_form_checkbox "showresolved" ""]]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td ""] [td [html_form_input "submit" "Save" "Next"]]]
puts $chan [html_table_end]
puts $chan [html_form_end]
puts $chan [html_end]
# Find unresolved conflicts and pass them to other TiVo
proc action_findconfsManual {chan path env} {
global db
global tzoffset
global remote_tivo
global source_dir
eval $env
set conflicts {}
set othertivourl "http://$tivoname/manrec"
puts $chan [html_start "Conflict Resolver Manual Recording"]
# nothing is sent when checkboxes aren't checked
if {[catch {if {$showresolved == "on"} {}}] == 1} {
set showresolved "off"
if {$todotype == "Active"} {
puts $chan "Found the following shows in adjacent time slots on different channels:"
} else {
puts $chan "Found the following unresolved conficts:"
puts $chan [html_table_start "" "" ""]
puts $chan [tr "" [td "Title"] [td "Channel"] [td "Date"] [td "Quality Force if conflict"] [td ""]]
set recqual 75
set mr_qualvals "0 40 75 100"
set mr_quallabs "Basic Medium High Best"
set yesnolabels "Yes No"
set yesnovals "1 0"
set forcerecord 0
set remote_tivo "tivo1"
# Load any settings found in the configuration file
if {[file exists $source_dir/modules/confresManual.cfg]} {
catch {source $source_dir/modules/confresManual.cfg}
if {$remote_tivo != $tivoname} {
set fd [open "$source_dir/modules/confresManual.cfg" w]
puts $fd {#}
puts $fd {# The name or IP address of the remote TiVo}
puts $fd {#}
puts $fd "set remote_tivo \"$tivoname\""
puts $fd {#}
puts $fd {# The default recording quality (must be 0, 40, 75 or 100)}
puts $fd {#}
puts $fd "set recqual \"$recqual\""
close $fd
set prevendtime 0
set prevcallsign 0
set prevrow ""
ForeachMfsFile fsid name type "/Recording/$todotype" "" {
set recdate [split $name ":"]
if {$todotype == "Active"} {
set datepos 2
set timepos 1
} else {
set datepos 1
set timepos 0
regsub {^(-?)0+([1-9])} [lindex $recdate $datepos] {\1\2} thetime
set rectime [expr [lindex $recdate $timepos] * 86400 + $thetime ]
if {$rectime > [expr [clock seconds] + $daysahead * 86400]} {
if {$rectime > [clock seconds]} {
RetryTransaction {
set rec [db $db openid $fsid ]
set creason [dbobj $rec get CancelReason]
set errorstring [dbobj $rec get ErrorString]
set showing [dbobj $rec get Showing]
set duration [dbobj $showing get Duration]
set station [dbobj $showing get Station]
set callsign [dbobj $station get CallSign]
set program [dbobj $showing get Program]
set title [dbobj $program get Title]
set title [string trim $title "{}"]
set id [dbobj $program get TmsId]
set id2 [dbobj $program fsid]
set description [dbobj $program get Description]
set description [string trim $description "{}"]
set episodetitle [dbobj $program get EpisodeTitle]
set episodetitle [string trim $episodetitle "{}"]
set rating 0
# rating is messing up display when there is no rating table on other TiVo
# uncomment if you want ratings and it works on your TiVo
# set rating [dbobj $showing get TvRating]
set resolvederror "{Transfered to another TiVo original time was $rectime duration was $duration}"
if {$errorstring != $resolvederror || $showresolved == "on"} {
if {$errorstring != $resolvederror
&& [string first "Transfered to another TiVo original time was" $errorstring] > -1 } {
set schedulechanged "
(Schedule has changed)"
} else {
set schedulechanged ""
if {$errorstring == $resolvederror && $showresolved == "on"} {
set schedulechanged "
if {$prevcallsign == 0} {
set prevcallsign callsign
if {$todotype == "Active" || $creason == 20 || $schedulechanged != ""} {
set alt [alt_showing $id $id2]
if {$todotype == "Active" || $alt == "" || $schedulechanged != ""} {
set showbutton 0
if {($todotype == "Active" && $rectime == $prevendtime
&& $callsign != $prevcallsign) || $creason == 20
|| $schedulechanged != ""} {
set showbutton 1
#adjust for timezone
set starttime [expr $rectime + $tzoffset]
set endtime [expr $starttime + $duration]
set strdelbutton [td "[html_form_start "GET" "/delresolvedconf"]
[html_form_hidden "conflict" $fsid]
[html_form_hidden "rectime" $rectime]
[html_form_hidden "duration" $duration]
[html_form_hidden "tivoname" $tivoname]
[html_form_hidden "daysahead" $daysahead]
[html_form_hidden "todotype" $todotype]
[html_form_hidden "showresolved" $showresolved]
[html_form_input "submit" "submit" "Delete"]
set wodatetz [expr $starttime / 86400]
set wodatetz [expr $wodatetz * 86400]
set wotimetz [expr ($starttime - $wodatetz) / 3600 ]
set womin [expr ($starttime - $wodatetz - ($wotimetz * 3600)) / 60 ]
set woduration [expr $duration / 60]
set strrecbutton [td "[html_form_start "GET" $othertivourl]
[html_form_hidden "titlestr" $title]
[html_form_hidden "episodetitlestr" $episodetitle]
[html_form_hidden "descriptionstr" $description]
[html_form_hidden "chnsel" ""]
[html_form_hidden "callsign" $callsign]
[html_form_hidden "wodatetz" $wodatetz]
[html_form_hidden "wotimetz" $wotimetz]
[html_form_hidden "womin" $womin]
[html_form_hidden "durationstr" $woduration]
[html_form_hidden "ratingstr" $rating]
[html_form_hidden "repeat" "once"]
[html_form_select "recqual\" style=\"width:11ex" $mr_qualvals $mr_quallabs $recqual]
[html_form_select "forcerecord\" style=\"width:8ex" $yesnovals $yesnolabels $forcerecord]
[html_form_input "submit" "submit" "Record"]
set strrow [tr "" "[td "$title $schedulechanged"]
[td $callsign]
[td "[clock format $starttime -format {%a %1d %1b %H:%M}] - [clock format $endtime -format %H:%M]"]
$strrecbutton $strdelbutton" ]
unset strrecbutton strdelbutton
if {$showbutton == 1 || $schedulechanged != ""} {
if {$prevrow != ""} {
puts $chan $prevrow
puts $chan $strrow
set prevrow ""
} else {
if {$prevrow == ""} {
puts $chan [tr "" [td " "] [td " "] [td " "] [td " "] [td " "]]
puts $chan [tr "" [td " "] [td " "] [td " "] [td " "] [td " "]]
set prevrow $strrow
set prevendtime [expr $rectime + $duration]
set prevcallsign $callsign
puts $chan [html_table_end]
puts $chan [html_end]
proc action_delresolvedconf {chan path env} {
eval $env
puts $chan [html_start "Delete Resolved Conflict"]
puts $chan "Deleting conflict..."
set success [DeleteCanceledTodoRec $conflict 20 "Transfered to another TiVo original time was $rectime duration was $duration"]
if {$success == 1 } {
puts $chan "Done"
} else {
puts $chan "There was a problem deleting the conflict."
puts $chan [html_form_start "GET" "/findconfsManual"]
puts $chan [html_form_hidden "tivoname" $tivoname]
puts $chan [html_form_hidden "daysahead" $daysahead]
puts $chan [html_form_hidden "todotype" $todotype]
puts $chan [html_form_hidden "showresolved" $showresolved]
puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "Save" "Back to unresolved conficts"]
puts $chan [html_form_end]
puts $chan [html_end]
proc DeleteCanceledTodoRec { recfsid cancelreason errorstring } {
global db
set canceldate [expr [clock seconds] / 86400]
set canceltime [expr [clock seconds] % 86400]
RetryTransaction {
set rec [db $db openid $recfsid]
set state [dbobj $rec get State]
dbobj $rec set CancelReason $cancelreason
dbobj $rec set CancelDate $canceldate
dbobj $rec set CancelTime $canceltime
dbobj $rec set ErrorString $errorstring
dbobj $rec set State 2
return 1
register_module "confresManual" "Conflict Resolve" "Schedule conflicts on another TiVo using Manual Recording"