# Copyright 2002 G.R. Souther
# Version 1.11
# Version History
# version 1.11 - Dropped procedure html_form_checkbox, as a version
# is included in tivoweb v.1.9.4 beta 4. This version will work with
# v.1.9.4 beta 4, but will not work in prior versions of tivoweb.
# version 1.1 - Changes save/restore channel map to use sub-lineup
# and channel short name as opposed to fsid-s, which can not
# work properly after tivo changes the lineup. This version will
# work in versions after 1.9.4 beta 3 and prior. It will also
# work with v.1.9.4 beta 4 and beyond, but will break other tivoweb
# functions.
# Numerous older versions exist
# Tivo SW v 2.5.1, 3.0
source /tvlib/tcl/tv/mfslib.tcl
if {[MfsFileExists /Headend] && $::version <= 3} {
proc action_BACdisplay {chan path env} {
# Display a page with lineups, and checkboxes
# All "Active" channels will have their channel numbers reset to the
# channel numbers in the selected lineups. No changes are made to channels
# which don't exist in the checked lineups.
# This is part of what happens when you select a "master" lineup in the setup screen.
# Doing it this way does NOT clear channels you watch, etc. No channels are created,
# or deleted. Only the channel number is changed.
global ChannelInfo
global LineUpNames
global ActiveChannels
puts $chan [html_start "Commit Changes to Active Master Lineup"]
puts $chan [html_form_start "POST" "/BuildActiveChannels/"]
puts $chan [html_table_start "" "Select Sub-Lineups to Use" "COLSPAN=2"]
set LineupNumber 1
foreach Lineup $LineUpNames {
puts $chan [tr "" [td "COLSPAN=2" " $Lineup"]]
incr LineupNumber
puts $chan [html_table_end]
puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "BuildActiveChannels" "Commit Changes"]
proc action_BuildActiveChannels {chan path env} {
# This will take all the channels in the lineups passed via CGI
# and set the channel number in the "active channel list" channel object
# to the channel in the "lineup" channel object
global ChannelInfo
global LineUpNames
eval $env
puts $chan [html_start "Commit Results"]
set LineupNumber 1
foreach Lineup $LineUpNames {
set ProcessLineup [info exists L$LineupNumber]
if {$ProcessLineup} {
lappend LineUpsToUse $Lineup
incr LineupNumber
if {![info exists LineUpsToUse]} {
puts $chan " Failure - I'm not a mind reader"
set GotOne 0
set failure 0
foreach chaninfo $ChannelInfo {
set ThisChannelsLineup [lindex $chaninfo 2]
if {[lsearch $LineUpsToUse $ThisChannelsLineup]!=-1} {
set channelnumber [lindex $chaninfo 1]
set channelname [lindex $chaninfo 0]
set channellongname [lindex $chaninfo 5]
set activechan [ActiveChannelInfo $channelname $channellongname]
set CurrentNumber [lindex $activechan 2]
set object [lindex $activechan 3]
if {$CurrentNumber!=$channelnumber} {
puts $chan "Applying change for [lindex $chaninfo 0] [lindex $chaninfo 1] (Was $CurrentNumber) object $object "
set GotOne 1
set result [changenum $object $channelnumber "Applying"]
if {$result!=1} {
set failure 1
if {!$GotOne} {
puts $chan "To me it doesn't look like there is anything to change"
} elseif {!$failure} {
puts $chan "All channel changes applied"
} else {
puts $chan "Some changes failed!"
proc BuildActiveChannelList {} {
# Build global of "active" channels
global ActiveChannels
if {[info exists ActiveChannels]==1} {
unset ActiveChannels
RetryTransaction {
set db [dbopen]
set ChannelsPerPass 25
set keepgoin 1
set start 0
set end [expr $start+$ChannelsPerPass]
while {$keepgoin} {
RetryTransaction {
set setup [db $db open /Setup]
set source [dbobj $setup get Source]
set channels [dbobj [lindex $source 0] get Channel]
set nchannels [llength $channels]
for {set i $start} {$i<$end} {incr i} {
if {$i == $nchannels} {
return -1
set channel [lindex $channels $i]
set channelfsid [dbobj $channel fsid]
set channelsubobjid [dbobj $channel subobjid]
set sobj [dbobj $channel get Station]
set cname [lindex [dbobj $sobj get Name] 0]
set snumber [dbobj $channel get Number]
set channelname [dbobj $sobj get CallSign]
set channellist [list $channelname $cname $snumber $channelfsid/$channelsubobjid]
lappend ActiveChannels $channellist
set start [expr $start+$ChannelsPerPass]
set end [expr $start+$ChannelsPerPass]
dbclose $db
proc ActiveChannelInfo {TheChannelName TheChannelLongName} {
global ActiveChannels
foreach chaninfo $ActiveChannels {
set channelname [lindex $chaninfo 0]
set channellongname [lindex $chaninfo 1]
# Need to test both short and long name - Channels names "Pay Per View" all over
if {[string compare $TheChannelName $channelname]==0} {
if {[string compare $TheChannelLongName $channellongname]==0} {
return $chaninfo
proc action_RestoreChannelMap {chan path env} {
set directory [file dirname [info script]]
set ScriptFile $directory/ChannelMapScript.tcl
catch {exec /tvbin/tivosh $ScriptFile > /tmp/CMS.out}
puts "Loading channel map from backup - Individual Transaction will not appear here."
action_listchan $chan "/" "set ReturnString \[h1 \"It is Done - Commit the changes to make them Active\"\]"
proc action_RestoreChannelMapVerify {chan path env} {
puts $chan [html_start "Verify Restore"]
puts $chan [h1 "Warning"]
puts $chan "This will change all the channel number mappings in every sublineup "
puts $chan "to however they were set the last time you saved the Channel Map. "
puts $chan " "
puts $chan [h1 "Make CERTAIN you know whats saved "]
puts $chan [h1 "Are you SURE you want to do this? "]
puts $chan [html_form_start "POST" "/RestoreChannelMap/"]
puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "RestoreChannelMapVerify" "Yes, I'm POSITIVE, Restore Channel Map from Saved"]
puts $chan [h1 "Be Patient! It takes about a MINUTE per 100 channels "]
proc action_SaveChannelMap {chan path env} {
set pathname [writescript]
action_listchan $chan "/" "set ReturnString \"Script has been written to $pathname\""
proc action_saveremap {chan path env} {
# cgi to make the database changes to remap a channel when remap button is pressed
# tries to do basic validation of channel number
eval $env
# Remember if we should return to the same page
set ReturnToChanList [expr [info exists stayonpage]==0 ]
# Check for the magic channel number to write the channel remap script
if {[string compare $Number "***"]==0} {
puts "AhHa! Someone has been looking at the code!"
set pathname [writescript]
action_listchan $chan "/" "set ReturnString \"Script has been written to $pathname\""
# Determine if there are non-numerics in the channel number provided
# No "string is integer" construct in Tivo TCL - do it manually
set ChanLength [string length $Number]
set StringIsNumber 1
try {
if {$ChanLength > 0} {
for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $Number]} {incr i} {
set ChanChar [string range $Number $i $i]
if {[expr $ChanChar<"0"] || [expr $ChanChar>"9"]} {
set StringIsNumber 0
} else {
set StringIsNumber 0
} catch errormessage {
# Assume any error is bad data
set StringIsNumber 0
# Additionally, accept on numbers 1-999
try {
if {[expr $Number<1] || [expr $Number>999]} {
set StringIsNumber 0
} catch errormessage {
set StringIsNumber 0
RetryTransaction {
set db [dbopen]
# Getting ready to change the database - double check! Lookup the callsign of this object
RetryTransaction {
set scanresult [scan $Channel {%[0-9]%[/]%[0-9-]} fsid slash subobjid]
set malformedobject [expr $scanresult!=3]
set ChannelObj [db $db openidconstruction $fsid $subobjid]
set ChannelNum [dbobj $ChannelObj get Number]
set StationObj [dbobj $ChannelObj get Station]
set StationCallSign [dbobj $StationObj get CallSign]
dbclose $db
# If we got a bad channel number, return with an error
# If we got a good channel number, remap the channel
if {$StringIsNumber == 0} {
set ReturnString "Invalid Channel Number "
set remaplink "/"
append remaplink $Channel "-" $ChannelNum
set cgistring "set Lineup \"$Lineup\"; set ReturnString \"$ReturnString\" "
if {!$ReturnToChanList} {
append cgistring "; set \"stayonpage\" \"1\""
action_remapchan $chan $remaplink $cgistring
} else {
try {
if {$malformedobject} {
set ReturnString "Channel Object was malformed. This can't happen, but it did!"
} else {
set result [changenum $Channel $Number "Changing"]
if {$result==1} {
set chanlink "/object/"
append chanlink $Channel
set ChannelObjectStringLink [format "%s" $Channel $Channel]
set ReturnString [format "%s (%s) remapped to channel %s " $StationCallSign $ChannelObjectStringLink $Number]
} else {
set ReturnString "Channel Found but remap call returned an error "
} catch errormessage {
puts $errormessage
set ReturnString "Channel Found but remap call failed "
# If the check box on the remap page is checked, return to that page
if {$ReturnToChanList} {
action_listchan $chan "/" "set ReturnString \"$ReturnString\""
} else {
set CGIString "set Lineup \"$Lineup\"; set ReturnString \"$ReturnString\"; set CGIChannel \"$Channel\"; set \"stayonpage\" \"1\""
eval $CGIString
action_remapchan $chan "/" $CGIString
proc action_remapchan {chan path env} {
# Displays HTML page with a list of station callsigns and a box
# to enter a new station number. A checkbox is provided to return to
# this page after remapping as opposed to the main channel list
# This makes it faster to remap several channels
# The channel list and text box will default to the channel provided
# on the link if one is provided
global ChannelInfo
global LineUpNames
eval $env
# Set a few booleans that define how we got here, and the environment
set HaveCGIChannel [expr [info exists CGIChannel]]
set ReturnToPageChecked [expr [info exists stayonpage]==1]
set HaveRetString [expr [info exists ReturnString]==1 ]
set HaveCGILineup [expr [info exists Lineup]==1]
# Look for Default channel on link, if there is one.
# This is how we preset channel info from the links on the channel map page
if {[string length $path] > 1} {
set paramlist [split [string range $path 1 end] "-"]
set StartChannel [lindex $paramlist 0]
set StartChannelNum [lindex $paramlist 1]
# Generate the channel information globals ChannelInfo and LineUpNames
# Sort the LineUpNames and add an "All Channels" lineup
set LineUpNamesSorted [lsort -ascii -increasing -index 0 $LineUpNames]
set LineUpNamesSorted [linsert $LineUpNamesSorted 0 "All Channels"]
# Sort Channels by Name
set ChannelInfoSorted [lsort -ascii -increasing -index 0 $ChannelInfo]
# If the call is from a link (not CGI) then we don't know the lineup that goes
# with this channel. Look it up.
if {!$HaveCGILineup} {
foreach chaninfo $ChannelInfoSorted {
if {[string compare [lindex $chaninfo 4] $StartChannel]==0} {
set Lineup [lindex $chaninfo 2]
# If we didn't find the channel to map, default to All Channels/First Channel
# This shouldn't ever happen, but has been been observed when tivoweb seems
# unstable. (Or if a bogus channel object is provided on a link)
set FoundChannel [expr [info exists Lineup]==1]
if {!$FoundChannel} {
set StartChannel [lindex [lindex $ChannelInfoSorted 0] 0]
set StartChannelNum [lindex [lindex $ChannelInfoSorted 0] 1]
set Lineup [lindex $LineUpNamesSorted 0]
# Start the page header, prepare to build the javascript
puts $chan [html_start "Remap Channels"]
puts $chan ""
# Make a list of channels in the current lineup, for the initial channel pulldown
# If we just remapped a channel, we have that channel in CGIchannel. Look
# for its index, for use in the next section.
set GetAllChannels [expr [string compare $Lineup "All Channels"]==0]
set FoundCGIChannel 0
foreach chaninfo $ChannelInfoSorted {
set LineupMatch [expr [string compare [lindex $chaninfo 2] $Lineup]==0]
if {$LineupMatch || $GetAllChannels} {
lappend ChannelNames [lindex $chaninfo 0]
lappend ChannelObjFsid [lindex $chaninfo 4]
lappend ChannelNumbers [lindex $chaninfo 1]
if {$HaveCGIChannel} {
if {[string compare [lindex $chaninfo 4] $CGIChannel]==0} {
set StartChannelInfo $chaninfo
set FoundCGIChannel 1
# If we just remapped a channel, and found that channel in this Lineup
# default the station pulldown to the next channel in lineup. (include wrap around from bottom)
# If we don't have the channel via CGI, we got it on the link. If we don't
# find the channel provided on the link, just default to the All channels page,
# and give a warning. This is most likely caused by bogus information
# provided on the remap link.
if {$FoundCGIChannel} {
set ix [lsearch $ChannelObjFsid [lindex $StartChannelInfo 4]]
if {[expr $ix+1==[llength $ChannelObjFsid]]} {
set ix 0
} else {
incr ix
set StartChannelName [lindex $ChannelNames $ix]
set StartChannel [lindex $ChannelObjFsid $ix]
set StartChannelNum [lindex $ChannelNumbers $ix]
} else {
if {!$FoundChannel} {
puts $chan [h2 "Can't find that channel... Bad link?"]
# If we have a channel from the link or CGI (and found it!), we have a default channel
set HaveDefaultChannel [expr $FoundChannel || $FoundCGIChannel]
# Start the form, and give a return message (remap complete, invalid channel number, etc..)
puts $chan [html_table_start "" "" "ALIGN=TOP"]
puts $chan [html_form_start "POST" "/saveremap/"]
if {$HaveRetString} {
puts $chan [h2 " $ReturnString"]
puts $chan " "
# deprecated by javascript
#puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "Go" "Go"]
# Create Lineup Pulldown
puts $chan " "
puts $chan [h1 "Edit Channel Map for a given Sub-lineup"]
puts $chan "In Lineup: "
set OnChange "fillSelectFromArray(this.form.Number, this.form.Channel,((this.selectedIndex == -1) ? null : channels\[this.selectedIndex\]));"
puts $chan [html_form_select_change "Lineup" $OnChange $LineUpNamesSorted $LineUpNamesSorted $Lineup]
# Create Channel Pulldown
puts $chan "Change "
set OnChange "setChannelNumber(this.form.Number, this.form.Lineup.selectedIndex, this.selectedIndex, channels);"
if {$HaveDefaultChannel} {
puts $chan [html_form_select_change "Channel" $OnChange $ChannelObjFsid $ChannelNames $StartChannel]
} else {
puts $chan [html_form_select_change "Channel" $OnChange $ChannelObjFsid $ChannelNames [lindex $ChannelObjFsid 0]]
# Create Channel number entry box
puts $chan "To Channel:"
if {$HaveDefaultChannel} {
puts $chan [html_form_text 1 3 "Number" $StartChannelNum]
} else {
puts $chan [html_form_text 1 3 "Number" [lindex $ChannelNumbers 0]]
# Create return to this page checkbox
#The following call doesn't exist in the library. Could do it with html_form_input,
#but not with the ability to have the box prechecked. Just do it manually.
# Edit - Call exists as of tivoweb 1.9.4
puts $chan " Return To This Page"
# This is a bit of overkill, since we never get here if the box wasn't checked,
# but its more robust - in case page functionality changes
if {$ReturnToPageChecked} {
puts $chan [html_form_checkbox "stayonpage" "1"]
} else {
puts $chan [html_form_checkbox "stayonpage" ""]
# Finish the page with a Remap button
puts $chan " "
puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "Remap" "Remap"]
puts $chan [html_form_end]
puts $chan [html_end]
proc action_ButtonDriver {chan path env} {
eval $env
if {[info exists MapLineups]} {
action_BACdisplay $chan $path $env
} elseif {[info exists SaveChannelMap]} {
action_SaveChannelMap $chan $path $env
} elseif {[info exists RestoreChannelMapVerify]} {
action_RestoreChannelMapVerify $chan $path $env
proc action_listchan {chan path env} {
# Main driver HTML page
# Build HTML page listing all channels with
# callsign, stationname, lineup name, and database id
# the callsign links to a channel remap page
# the database id links to a display of the db object
# Headings for the columns provide sort by column capability
global ChannelInfo
global LineUpNames
eval $env
# Remember if we have a return message for the beginning of the page
set HaveRetString [expr [info exists ReturnString]==1 ]
# determine what column to sort the page by
set sortfield 0
if {[string length $path] > 1} {
set sortfield [string range $path 1 1]
# Generate channel information globals
# Sort - If its the channel number, its an integer sort, otherwise ascii
if {$sortfield == 1} {
set ChannelInfoSorted [lsort -real -increasing -index $sortfield $ChannelInfo]
} else {
set ChannelInfoSorted [lsort -ascii -increasing -index $sortfield $ChannelInfo]
# Start the page, output the return message, if any
puts $chan [html_start "List Channels"]
if {$HaveRetString} {
puts $chan [h2 " $ReturnString "]
#puts $chan [html_form_start "POST" "/BACdisplay/"]
puts $chan [html_form_start "POST" "/ButtonDriver/"]
puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "MapLineups" "Commit Changes to Active Channels List"]
puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "SaveChannelMap" "Save Current Channel State"]
puts $chan [html_form_input "submit" "RestoreChannelMapVerify" "Restore Channel Map from Saved"]
puts $chan [html_form_end]
puts $chan [html_table_start "" "" "ALIGN=TOP"]
# Column headers, links to sort by this column
puts $chan [tr "" [th [html_link "/listchan/0" "Channel"]] \
[th [html_link "/listchan/1" "Number"]] \
[th [html_link "/listchan/2" "Lineup"]] \
[th [html_link "/listchan/4" "Channel Object"]] \
[th [html_link "/listchan/3" "Station Object"]] ]
# Fill in the columns for each channel
# The channel name links to the remap channel page
# Channel number and lineup are informational
# Channel and station objects are links to display that object
foreach chaninfo $ChannelInfoSorted {
set remaplink "/remapchan/"
append remaplink [lindex $chaninfo 4] "-" [lindex $chaninfo 1]
set objectlink "/object/"
set stationobjectlink $objectlink
append stationobjectlink [lindex $chaninfo 3]
set ChannelObjectString [lindex $chaninfo 4]
set channelobjectlink $objectlink
append channelobjectlink $ChannelObjectString
puts $chan [tr "" [td [html_link $remaplink [lindex $chaninfo 0]]] \
[td [lindex $chaninfo 1]] \
[td [lindex $chaninfo 2]] \
[td [html_link $channelobjectlink $ChannelObjectString] ] \
[td [html_link $stationobjectlink [lindex $chaninfo 3]] ] ]
puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end]
puts $chan [html_end]
proc listchannels {} {
# Build global ChannelInfo and LineUpNames for all channels in every lineup.
# (duplicate channels possible and correct!!!)
global ChannelInfo
global LineUpNames
# Clear out anything left over from a previous call. Since we don't know if the
# previous call was done seconds, days, weeks or months ago, this is the safest way
if {[info exists ChannelInfo]==1} {
unset ChannelInfo
if {[info exists LineUpNames]==1} {
unset LineUpNames
set db [dbopen]
# Get the number of lineups
RetryTransaction {
set setup [db $db open /Setup]
set source [dbobj $setup get Source]
set headend [dbobj [lindex $source 0] get Headend]
set lineups [dbobj $headend get Lineup]
set numberoflineups [llength $lineups]
# Get the number of channels per lineup, and lineup names
for {set i 0} {$i < $numberoflineups} {incr i} {
RetryTransaction {
set setup [db $db open /Setup]
set source [dbobj $setup get Source]
set headend [dbobj [lindex $source 0] get Headend]
set lineups [dbobj $headend get Lineup]
set ThisLineup [lindex $lineups $i]
set lineupname [dbobj $ThisLineup get Name]
set TheseChannels [dbobj $ThisLineup get Channel]
set numberofchannels [llength $TheseChannels]
lappend LineUpNames [lindex $lineupname 0]
lappend NumChannelsInLineup $numberofchannels
for {set i 0} {$i < $numberoflineups} {incr i} {
# Customize ChannelsPerPass for efficiency. Higher is better, but too high will cause
# database lookups to fail. The empirically determined maximum is in the 50-60 range.
# Anything approaching this number will likely fail occasionally.
# If you get errors, make it smaller.
set ChannelsPerPass 25
set NumberOfPasses [expr ([lindex $NumChannelsInLineup $i]-1)/$ChannelsPerPass+1]
set lineupname [lindex $LineUpNames $i]
for {set pass 0} {$pass < $NumberOfPasses} {incr pass} {
RetryTransaction {
# Get the channels in the lineup again and again and again
set setup [db $db open /Setup]
set source [dbobj $setup get Source]
set headend [dbobj [lindex $source 0] get Headend]
set lineups [dbobj $headend get Lineup]
set ThisLineup [lindex $lineups $i]
set TheseChannels [dbobj $ThisLineup get Channel]
# Process the channels "ChannelsPerPass" at a time
for {set j 0} {$j < $ChannelsPerPass} {incr j} {
set index [expr $pass*$ChannelsPerPass+$j]
listchannel $db [lindex $TheseChannels $index] $lineupname
# get us out if we have exhausted the channels in this lineup
if {[expr $index==[lindex $NumChannelsInLineup $i]-1]} {
set j $ChannelsPerPass
dbclose $db
proc listchannel {db channel lineupname} {
# Add channel to global ChannelInfo
global ChannelInfo
try {
set channelnumber [dbobj $channel get Number]
set channelfsid [dbobj $channel fsid]
set channelsubobjid [dbobj $channel subobjid]
set stationptr [dbobj $channel gettarget Station]
scan $stationptr {%[0-9]%[/]%[0-9-]} firstid slash secondid
set stationobj [db $db openidconstruction $firstid $secondid]
set callsign [dbobj $stationobj get CallSign]
set stationlongname [lindex [dbobj $stationobj get Name] 0]
set chaninfo [list $callsign $channelnumber $lineupname $stationptr $channelfsid/$channelsubobjid $stationlongname]
lappend ChannelInfo $chaninfo
} catch errormessage {
puts $errormessage
proc writescript {} {
# write out a shell script that sets all the channel numbers to the current configuration
global ChannelInfo
global LineUpNames
set directory [file dirname [info script]]
set modulename "$directory/modules/ChannelMap.itcl"
set ScriptPath "$directory/ChannelMapScript.tcl"
if [catch {open $ScriptPath w 0755} script] {
return "-NOWHERE! error opening $ScriptPath"
puts $script "#!/tvbin/tivosh"
puts $script "source /tvlib/tcl/tv/mfslib.tcl"
puts $script "proc register_module \{one two three \} \{"
puts $script "\}"
puts $script "proc html_start \{one\} \{"
puts $script "\}"
puts $script "source $modulename"
set ChannelInfoSorted [lsort -ascii -increasing -index 0 $ChannelInfo]
foreach chaninfo $ChannelInfoSorted {
# set Object [lindex $chaninfo 4]
set LineupName [lindex $chaninfo 2]
set ChannelNum [lindex $chaninfo 1]
set ChannelName [lindex $chaninfo 0]
puts $script "ChangeByNameAndLineup \"$ChannelName\" \"$LineupName\" \"$ChannelNum\""
set i 1
puts $script " "
puts $script "# If you want this script to commit these changes to the active channels"
puts $script "# Delete the lines below refering to the sub-lineups which you are NOT using"
puts $script "# And uncomment the last line"
puts $script " "
foreach lineup $LineUpNames {
puts $script "append fakeenv \"set L$i \\\"$lineup\\\";\""
incr i
puts $script " "
puts $script "#action_BuildActiveChannels stdout \"/\" \$fakeenv"
close $script
return $ScriptPath
proc ChangeByNameAndLineup {channelname lineup channelnumber} {
global ChannelInfo
global LineUpNames
if {![info exists ChannelInfo]} {
foreach chaninfo $ChannelInfo {
set cname [lindex $chaninfo 0]
if {$channelname==$cname} {
set lname [lindex $chaninfo 2]
if {$lineup==$lname} {
set chanobj [lindex $chaninfo 4]
set result [changenum $chanobj $channelnumber "Changing"]
proc ChangeChannelVerify {resid newnum channelname} {
# Sets the channel number in a channel object, IFF the station pointed
# to by this channel is the same as the station name on the call. A
# reasonable double check, as this is called by a shell script
# Very strange but if this dbopen call is in a RetryTransaction, tivosh
# dies miserably, TMK asserts.
set database [dbopen]
RetryTransaction {
scan $resid {%[0-9]%[/]%[0-9-]} firstid slash secondid
set chanobj [db $database openidconstruction $firstid $secondid]
set channum [dbobj $chanobj get Number]
set stationobj [dbobj $chanobj get Station]
set stationptr [dbobj $chanobj gettarget Station]
set stationname [dbobj $stationobj get Name]
set stationcallsign [dbobj $stationobj get CallSign]
if {[string compare $stationcallsign $channelname]==0} {
dbobj $chanobj set Number $newnum
puts [format "(%s) Changing %s - %s From Ch: %s To Ch: %s" $stationptr $stationcallsign $stationname $channum $newnum]
} else {
puts "Better check that script! $stationptr isn't $channelname! (It's $stationcallsign)"
dbclose $database
proc changenum {resid newnum whataction} {
# take a channel object and set the channel number to the provided number
RetryTransaction {
set db [dbopen]
RetryTransaction {
scan $resid {%[0-9]%[/]%[0-9-]} firstid slash secondid
set chanobj [db $db openidconstruction $firstid $secondid]
set channum [dbobj $chanobj get Number]
set stationobj [dbobj $chanobj get Station]
set stationptr [dbobj $chanobj gettarget Station]
set stationname [dbobj $stationobj get Name]
set stationcallsign [dbobj $stationobj get CallSign]
puts [format "(%s) $whataction %s - %s From Ch:%s To Ch: %s" $stationptr $stationcallsign $stationname $channum $newnum]
dbobj $chanobj set Number $newnum
dbclose $db
return 1
proc html_form_select_change {name change values labels defaultval} {
# same as html_form_select, but allows
# an "onChange" script to be provided
set str ""
append str ""
return $str
register_module "listchan" "ChannelMap" "List Stations and Remap Channels"