These notes are applicable to the "UK" versions of TivoWebPlus The current version of UK TivoWebPlus is 2.1.4 but it can be installed into the directory TivoWebPlus21b3 (i.e. overwrite existing 2.1.b3) and is a drop-in replacement for the current AltEPG directory. Initial install ========= 1) FTP the TiVoWebPlus archive file to /var/tmp (Note: do not extract the files first - you must FTP the whole single archive file over. Also this must be FTP'd in "binary" mode - most FTP programs will do this by default). 2) Telnet in to the TiVo and run: 3) mkdir /var/hack/TivoWebPlus21b3 4) tar -C /var/hack/TivoWebPlus21b3 -xvzf /var/tmp/tivowebplus-v2.1.4-UKxxxxxx.tgz (<-- replace xxxxxx with the proper filename 5) /var/hack/TivoWebPlus21b3/tivoweb & (<--don't forget the &) 6) TivoWebPlus is now loaded and running at http://your_tivos_ip_address/ If you do not have the "tar" command available, then you could try: gzip -d tivowebplus-v2.1.4-UKxxxxxx.tgz; cpio -idu -H tar < tivowebplus-v2.1.4-UKxxxxxx.tar Manual Update - individual files/modules =========== 1) Go to the TivoWebPlus -> Update screen 2) Download the new/updated module from the AltEPG server onto your computer 3) "Choose File" to select the file you just downloaded and click on "Update" Please note - you must be running UK-20120723 or later for this to work. (Do NOT use the Update function within versions of TWP which have not been customised for UK TiVos). Manual Update - complete new package - manual installation =========== 1) Stop any running TivoWebPlus service (using the Restart -> Quit option) 2) FTP the TiVoWebPlus archive file to /var/tmp (Note: do not extract the files first - you must FTP the whole single archive file over.) 2) Telnet in to the TiVo and run: 4) tar -C /var/hack/TivoWebPlus21b3 -xvzf /var/tmp/tivowebplus-v2.1.4-UKxxxxxx.tgz (<-- replace xxxxxx with the proper filename) 5) Delete TivoWebPlus's marker files rm /var/hack/TivoWebPlus21b3/.dist/*.done 6) /var/hack/TivoWebPlus21b3/tivoweb & This will overwrite your existing installation (apart from your backups and config files which will be retained) - If you want to keep your existing package then simply rename it (e.g. "mv TivoWebPlus21b3 TWP-old") and proceed as per "Initial install" above.