These notes are applicable to the "UK" versions of TivoWebPlus Initial install ========= 1) FTP the TiVoWebPlus archive file to /var/tmp (Note: do not extract the files first - you must FTP the whole single archive file over. Also this must be FTP'd in "binary" mode - most FTP programs will do this by default). 2) Telnet in to the TiVo and run: 3) mkdir /var/hack/TivoWebPlus21b3 4) tar -C /var/hack/TivoWebPlus21b3 -xvzf /var/tmp/tivowebplus-v2.1.b3-UKxxxxxx.tgz (<-- replace xxxxxx with the proper filename 5) /var/hack/TivoWebPlus21b3/tivoweb & (<--don't forget the &) 6) TivoWebPlus is now loaded and running at http://your_tivos_ip_address/ If you do not have the "tar" command available, then you could try: gzip -d tivowebplus-v2.1.b3-UKxxxxxx.tgz; cpio -idu -H tar < tivowebplus-v2.1.b3-UKxxxxxx.tar Manual Update - individual files/modules =========== 1) Go to the TivoWebPlus -> Update screen 2) Download the new/updated module from the AltEPG server onto your computer 3) "Choose File" to select the file you just downloaded and click on "Update" Please note - you must be running UK-20120723 or later for this to work. (Do NOT use the Update function within versions of TWP which have not been customised for UK TiVos). Manual Update - complete new package =========== same as "Manual Update - individual files/modules" Manual Update - complete new package - manual installation =========== 1) Stop any running TivoWebPlus service (using the Restart -> Quit option) 2) FTP the TiVoWebPlus archive file to /var/tmp (Note: do not extract the files first - you must FTP the whole single archive file over.) 2) Telnet in to the TiVo and run: 4) tar -C /var/hack/TivoWebPlus21b3 -xvzf /var/tmp/tivowebplus-v2.1.b3-UKxxxxxx.tgz (<-- replace xxxxxx with the proper filename) 5) /var/hack/TivoWebPlus21b3/tivoweb & This will overwrite your existing installation (apart from your backups and config files which will be retained) - If you want to keep your existing package then simply rename it (e.g. "mv TivoWebPlus21b3 TWP-old") and proceed as per "Initial install" above.