This is the changelog for the UK version of TivoWebPlus started in July 2012. It's starting point is TWP 2.1.b3 (oztivo-110622) as released with AltEPG 1.0d Spitfires - July 23rd, 2012 ================== Most significant changes: - revised menu structure - fix for submenus not displaying - significant speed improvement in displaying Series lists - revised screen layouts to better display long programme descriptions found in AltEPG - improved searching for actors/directors names (can search for firstname or lastname or both) - searching for title now goes straight to series if only one match - restrict NPL & TODO lists to a number of days (better for 1TB TiVos with lots of recordings) - on NPL: split icon column into "Reason" (e.g. Season Pass, Suggestion, WishList) and "Expiry" (e.g. Expires Soon, Keep Until I Delete) - fix the update module (can now update TWP via web interface) - fix non working channelmap - fix non working listchan (now gets channels from *all* sources) - fix column sorting on epnum and day columns - fix "Suggestions" always showing a blank screen - bug fix for errTmBackgroundHoldoff errors - lots of bug fixes Note: - only the faiec.css theme has been updated - if you use one of the others it will need enhancing as per faiec.css Tech note: - added $::altepg global (set to 1 if AltEPG TiVo) - added $::altepgver global (set to AltEPG version) Changes in detail: update to current release level of TWP2.1.b3 :- (oztivo-110622) http.itcl init.tcl extract.itcl higuide.itcl manrec.ircl norerecord.itcl search.itcl todofeed.itcl ui_record.itcl ui_season.pass.itcl ui_series.itcl webremote.itcl keytrap2.js post (oztivo-110622) mods :- todofeed.itcl logs.itcl then :- tivoweb - fix "tivoweb stop" doesn't work if the config file contains characters - fix for relative paths causing spurious config directories to be created (e.g. "../tivoweb &") .dist/version - new version number .dist/dyncfg.cfg - revised default menu layout .dist/higuide.cfg - revised default menu layout .dist/tivoweb.cfg - revised default parameters - added explanatory text (used by /Configure) - new parameters init.tcl - fix for many modules crashing on an "empty" TiVo - add tag for content-type - add $::altepg global (set to AltEPG version) - additional language alternates - add dyncfg update on new upgrade - added init_series_cache{} (cache of Series->NowShowing fsids) html.itcl - fix layout of error message in print_html_error{} - add support for more html elements - don't include unnecessary Javascript btutils.itcl - fix bug in logit{} - fix ForeachTrans{} & ForeachMfsFileTrans{} - fix a bug which prevents retries - fix infinite loop in ForeachMfsFileTrans - minor change to menu layout (css) util.itcl - modified strim{} to check if str is a list index.itcl - bug fix getStationData{} - added load_series_cache{} & update_series_cache{} rec.itcl - update to most recent module - added new options for cell layout (vertical-align, min-width, padding-top) - add option to sort by a column on load - added code for blocklist module - added field for "Expiration" - display "No programmes found" rather than blank screen tz/*.itcl - added ::set_tzoffset function to recalc the tzoffset faiec.css - fix menu dropdown issue with some browsers - fix spurious characters - fix overly large characters in tags ui.itcl - minor screen formatting ui_series.itcl - fix bug when TMSids present - remove "(no thumbs)" text - remove duplicate text from the genres list - screen layout changes - display IMDB link for films (not!) - changed to get nsl from cache (rather than MFS dir) ui_record.itcl - remove "Not an Episode" - screen layout changes ui_history.itcl - fix bug which didn't allow filter to be deleted - fix bug in filtering which didn't always filter correctly - screen layout changes ui_search.itcl - minor change to screen text - fix searches which include commas - catch errors when searching for upcoming showings - fix non-working "exclude channels you don't watch" - if only one match on Title search then display it (rather than a list of series links) search.itcl - fix searching may fail when multiple top-level categories - be more lenient with name format that user can enter for people - fix sometimes upcoming showings are duplicated ui_todo.itcl - fix missing submenu - display table heading ui_season_pass.itcl - show quality of planned recording and allows bulk change thereof - minor layout change - fix spurious error message (about "corrupt" season pass list) ui_channel.itcl - minor changes to screen layout - fix sub-menu ui_deletedshows.itcl - minor display change ui_showing.itcl - fix for blank OAD date change - don't invent an episode title if it's blank (just display blank!) - fix TmsId creation - minor changes to screen layout - proc PrintNames{} removed from ui_showing.itcl and references.itcl and placed in zz_altepglib.itcl ui_nowshowing.itcl - remove debug code - fix spurious blank rows - remove sub-options for sorting (use column sorting instead) - split the icon column into "Reason" (e.g. Season Pass, Suggestion, WishList) and "Expiry" (e.g. Expires Soon, Keep Until I Delete) ui_listings.itcl - add star rating to films - fix sub-menu zz_altepglib.itcl - revised recForm_EpNum{} - new recForm_EpTitle{} - revised get_verbose_title{} to remove "Not an Episode" new functions: - added get_episode_title{} - added what_is_it{}, is_episode{}, is_generic{}, is_oneoff{}, is_movie{} backup.itcl - bug fix in establish_next_priority {} - prevent navigation above "backup" directory - minor display change - recalc tzoffset info.itcl - remove link to "check distribution" - add progress display reorder.itcl - minor display changes - recalc tzoffset phone.itcl - added display of TiVo serial number - minor change to screen layout preferences.itcl - fix errNmNameNotFound error when /Preference/a/$preftype doesn't exist - proc PrintNames{} removed from ui_showing.itcl and references.itcl and placed in zz_altepglib.itcl rowformat.itcl - update to most recent module - added new options for cell layout (vertical-align, min-width, padding-top) - add option to sort by a column on load showing.tcl - minor fix for layout - add links to - remove "(no thumbs)" text - movieruntime is in minutes not 60ths - reverse the order of genres list and italicise any sub-categories whatson.itcl - fix bug in showing "haven't started" programmes - screen layout changes - use an iframe to display message rather than reloading whole page - fix broken "Top Favourites" - only offer "Watch" button if not currently recording - recalc tzoffset sysadmin.itcl - remove NPK_Dump - minor change to Configure proc - added Reboot option logs.itcl - minor display change - recalc tzoffset norerecord.itcl - remove "Not an Episode" - mod for revised expand_epnum{} - minor html changes - minor display change higuide.itcl - mod for revised expand_epnum{} - recalc tzoffset higuide.tcl - minor changes to screen layout - recalc tzoffset channelgrid.itcl - minor changes to screen layout - fix "Bad Return: 1" error - added new menu option for "ToDo Grid" - added "Watched Channels" - recalc tzoffset channelgrid.tcl - fix hover text - minor changes to screen layout cidrss.itcl - recalc tzoffset confresManual.itcl - recalc tzoffset confirm.itcl - remove "Not an Episode" - minor changes to screen layout folders.itcl - fix bug in folder name validation - minor changes to screen layout - recalc tzoffset manrec.itcl - fix spurious chars on screen - minor changes to screen layout menus.itcl - fix "success" message blocklist.itcl - added module channelprefs.itcl - update to most recent module (v1.12a) - change to use an iframe rather than popup window chanpref.itcl - module deleted (use channelprefs instead) addchannel.itcl - added module mfsbrowser.itcl - fix tydir links merge.itcl - module deleted cvsupdate.itcl - module deleted todo_old.itcl - module removed (replaced by new blocklist module) mail.itcl - minor screen formatting screen.itcl - minor screen formatting todofeed.itcl - minor screen formatting webremote.itcl - minor screen formatting - fix broken sendkey function livetv.itcl - fix broken sendkey function screentext.itcl - fix default on UK TiVos netconfig.itcl - fixed to work with AltEPG logos.itcl - minor changes to screen data extract.itcl - change date format from American - recalc tzoffset channelmap.itcl - fix bug with restoring channel maps - fix missing success messages listchan.itcl - use Javascript to sort columns (much faster!) - fix to get channels from *all* sources makenslcache.tcl - new script to create cache of Series->NowShowing fsids endpad - update to most recent version (1.5.5) endpad/changes.txt endpad/readme.txt endpad/endpad.tcl gdchecker - update to most recent version (1.0.6b) images/sm*.png (5 files) - fix missing sub-menu - recalc tzoffset tracker - update to most recent version (3.20rc5 from 3.17a) delete tracker317a.itcl insert tracker.itcl libs/zz_mrt_utils.itcl sorttable.js - fix table sorting not working with dates in Chrome & Safari blocklist.js - move blocklist code from todo.itcl images/question.gif system files - updated - update .dist files